Plants of the Week
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Themeda triandra
This is a lovely green to blue-green tufted grass that is often flushed with pink and turns red with age. Some forms have bright yellow culms (stems)....
Thereianthus bulbiferus
An attractive plant with moderately dense spikes of light to mid-blue flowers that blossom in abundance in burnt veld, which makes it difficult to miss....
Thesium viridifolium
A much-branched, densely leafy shrub bearing attractive, small, white flowers that are crowded in dense rounded heads at the tips of the branches....
Thespesia acutiloba
An attractive tree with handsome foliage, showy lemon-yellow flowers in summer and decorative red fruits. This tree is not well known among the general...
Thilachium africanum
An awesome small tree with the most attractive flowers....
Thorncroftia longiflora
Thorncroftia longiflora is both rare and remarkable. It is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden...
Thorncroftia succulenta
Thorncroftia succulenta is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden subject, well suited for hot...
Thunbergia alata
In much of the warmer world, Thunbergia alata, or black-eyed susan, is well known as a fast-growing, long-flowering, friendly creeper. In South Africa...
Thunbergia atriplicifolia
Thunbergia atriplicifolia is a softly hairy herbaceous shrublet with several stems that grow from a woody rootstock and beautiful creamy yellow flowers...
Thunbergia natalensis
Thunbergia natalensis is a popular, fast growing garden plant. occurs naturally along forest margins, in bush and in grassland. It occurs in...
Tinnea barbata
This superb little shrub is related to salvias. The delicate deep purple-blue flowers dangling from erect branches like little ornaments are this shrub's...
Tinospora fragosa
Tinospora fragosa is an amazing and peculiar succulent-stemmed twiner with attractive heart-shaped leaves and red fruits. It is easily grown and thrives...
Toddalia asiatica
Did you know that we have an indigenous orange in South Africa? This plant,Toddalia asiatica, is a woody vine (a liana) and bears fruit which, although...
Trachyandra ciliata
Trachyandra ciliata is a common, seasonal herb that is best known for its edible flower buds....
Trachyandra falcata
Trachyandra falcata is a fast-growing, summer-dormant, perennial geophyte, easily propagated from seed. The young inflorescences are harvested in winter...
Trachyandra tabularis
An obligatory cliff-dweller, forming clusters of rosettes of firm, green, linear, succulent leaves that hang from the south-facing sandstone cliffs of...
Trema orientalis
Trema orientalis is a fast-growing shade tree with soft foliage, best suited to gardens and streets in the warmer and wetter regions of southern Africa...
Trianoptiles is a tiny genus of three species, two of which are highly threatened in their natural habitat. Despite being on the brink of extinction...
Tribolium uniolae
A small, tufted, perennial grass with attractive inflorescences that are used in flower arranging....
Trichilia dregeana
Trichilia dregeana is a lovely large tree that inhabits evergreen forests in high rainfall areas. It is a highly ornamental species with considerable cultural...