Plants of the Week
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Arctotis arctotoides
Arctotis arctotoides is a fast-growing, soft, herbaceous groundcover that forms carpets of light green foliage decorated with cheerful, butter-yellow daisy...
Arctotis aspera
A tough, soft-wooded perennial from the mountainous and coastal fynbos areas that flowers for the most part of the year. Once established, it hardly needs...
Arctotis debensis
Arctotis debensis is a flat-growing, spreading perennial with rosettes of bright green leaves and yellow daisy-flowers in spring. It is only found growing...
Arctotis fastuosa
Arctotis fastuosa with large colourful flowers, is an easy-to-grow annual from the dry Namaqualand region....
Arctotis hirsuta
Bold and beautiful, the mesmerizing Arctotis hirsuta is one of the most captivating species in an annual spring display....
Arctotis revoluta
This extremely vigorous, fast-growing shrub is equally suited to coastal or fynbos gardens....
Arctotis stoechadifolia
A tough and fast-growing groundcover often seen in gardens around the world, Arctotis stoechadifolia surprisingly only occurs naturally along a small strip...
Arctotis venusta
Arctotis venusta is one of the few indigenous annuals that are easy to grow and provide a reliable, colourful display in summer....
Argyroderma theartii
Argyroderma theartii is a beautiful, dwarf, cluster-forming, winter growing succulent plant, bearing striking, bright purple-pink flowers during the...
Argyrolobium angustissimum
Argyrolobium angustissimum is an unassuming Cape peaflower which until relatively recently had been presumed possibly extinct.Figure 1. Argyrolobium angustissimum...
Argyrolobium lunare
At first glance it looks as if there are two similar kinds of plant growing together. This is because most of the flowers are bright yellow and others...
Argyrolobium robustum
Argyrolobium robustum is an attractive plant with many-flowered, yellow flower-heads that are produced from spring to early summer; common in grasslands...
Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre
A small, slender-stemmed, few-flowered, shortly ascending plant, that flourishes in spring and summer. It is a flowering plant in the legume family (Fabaceae),...
Argyrolobium tomentosum
A scrambling, evergreen shrub with yellow flowers in spring and summer; it is a pretty garden plant and is one of South Africa’s magical medicinal...
Aristea biflora
Aristea biflora is a member of the family Iridaceae and an inhabitant the south-western Cape. It is characterized by attractive violet to purple flowers...
Aristea capitata
The Cape is well known for its wealth of beautiful bulbs. If you go walking on Lion's Head above Cape Town in early summer, one of the most striking...
Aristea ecklonii
Aristea ecklonii is an indigenous, evergreen perennial with attractive, blue, star-like flowers that make quite a show in early summer and late spring....
Aristea grandis
A beautiful, robust, grass-like plant with striking deep blue flowers that grow in clusters up tall stems, and broad, pale green leaves. It is a member...
Aristea spiralis
Clumps of Aristea spiralis make a striking display, the large white to pale blue flowers with purple centres are very attractive and last throughout the...
Aristea torulosa
A lovely, vibrant species of Aristea with striking, star-like, blue flowers that appear prolifically in summer....