Plants of the Week
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Cryptostephanus is a curious, little-known genus comprising three species from Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. It is most closely...
Cryptocarya wyliei
Cryptocarya wyliei is a beautiful ornamental tree, easily grown from seed, with bright red edible fruit scattered among the tiny green leaves....
Cryptocarya woodii
This is a handsome tree for small gardens with a lovely shape when properly pruned. The shiny, purple-black fleshy fruits are showy and complemented by...
Croton sylvaticus
Croton sylvaticus is a beautiful, spreading, leafy tree, up to 21 m, high sometimes less, usually with a tall, straight trunk up to 1 m in diameter....
Croton pseudopulchellus
A pale white/yellow-flowered, shrubby, perennial plant with a sweet smell that attracts many insects....
Croton megalobotrys
This tree will add colour to your garden in autumn as the leaves produces shades of yellow, orange and brown; flowering time is throughout spring and as...
Croton gratissimus
This is an attractive and versatile deciduous shrub or small tree in the home garden, but capable of becoming a large tree in certain instances....
Crotalaria natalitia var. natalitia
The pioneer rattlepod is a shrubby yellow-flowered plant with a scent attractive to honeybees....
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis is small shrub that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock, to produce many, fragrant, yellow flowers. It will be a great...
Crotalaria capensis
Clusters of large golden yellow flowers and seedpod bunches that rattle with dry seeds make this quick-growing shrub a delight in any garden....
Crossyne guttata
This is a popular winter growing bulb, chosen mostly for its broad leaves that are fringed with brown hair-like bristles....
Crossandra greenstockii
Crossandra greenstockii is a beautiful little perennial, with bright orange to red flowers all summer; it looks very stunning in flower, providing a welcome...
Crocosmia paniculata
Crocosmia paniculata is a robust, deciduous geophyte with sculptural, zig-zag flower spikes and attractive, pleated leaves that make it a strong accent...
Crocosmia masoniorum
Arguably the loveliest all Crocosmia species, C. masoniorum deserves to be more widely grown than it is. Rare in the wild, it has nevertheless...
Crocosmia aurea
This is a very attractive garden plant with a number of bright orange flowers in a full spike at the end of the flower stalk. The tall stalks make it desirable...
Crinum paludosum
This is a very beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers that are white to pale pink, enhanced by reddish stigmas. Crinum paludosum is a slender,...
Crinum moorei
The Natal lily, Crinum moorei, with its large, white to pinkish red, open tubular flowers, literally glows in the dappled shade of the century-old...
Crinum macowanii
Crinum lugardiae
Crinum lugardiae has a rosette of strap-shaped leaves, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers with long thin floral tubes, in early summer, followed by strongly...
Crinum lineare
Crinum lineare is a beautiful lily, capable of producing its outstanding flowers abundantly and will give any home or garden an attractive and stylish...