Plants of the Week
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Agathosma lanceolata
Gently crush the leaves of this buchu and you will discover its liquorice scent. Interesting....
Thamnochortus insignis
A stunning accent plant with its slender stems tipped with small, golden-brown inflorescences in late summer, and water-wise too!...
Plectranthus is the largest South African genus in the mint family (Lamiaceae), with 44 species natural to our region, most of which occur on the...
Aerva leucura
It is not the size of the flowers, but rather the reliable show Aerva leucura gives in the herbaceous border from summer to autumn, that makes this a worthwhile...
Dissotis canescens
This pretty shrub looks remarkably like a dwarf version of the related South American tibouchina trees (Tibouchina spp.) which are grown in the more...
Plectranthus ecklonii
A fast-growing shrubby perennial with showy spikes of pink, blue or white flowers in autumn, ideal for shade or semi-shade....
Aloe cooperi
Aloe cooperi is a southern African grassland aloe....
Barleria greenii
A beautiful shrub with large pink to white, night-scented flowers in summer....
Amaryllis belladonna
The flowering stems of this bulb emerging from the bare ground is a sign that summer is coming to an end in the Cape....
Aloe reitzii var. reitzii
Although it is a rather rare species of aloe, it is easily distinguished by the handsome erect red flower spikes that are produced in summer (unlike most...
Cunonia capensis
Cunonia capensis is a beautiful evergreen garden tree which attracts insects to its flowers....
Ceratotheca triloba
Ceratotheca triloba is now known as Sesamum trilobum...
Strelitzia reginae
Strelitzia reginae is one the most popular horticultural perennials around the world. It flowers for long periods with its vivid orange and bright...
Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. katharinae
This plant explodes into flower, producing huge orange-red flower balls in mid to late summer, it's a plant for semi-shade or shade in well-watered,...
Indigofera jucunda
This beautiful plant has had the misfortune of being known by an incorrect name for many years, resulting in some confusion about its identity. But whether...
Indigofera frutescens
This plant has rose to purple flowers in lax racemes and bluish green leaves. It forms a stout, leafy shrub up to 2 m tall. It comes...
Agapanthus inapertus
The drooping agapanthus is an attractive, tuberous plant which occurs naturally in open grassland and on forest margins. ...
Disa uniflora
This famous red orchid, emblem of the Western Cape, is strictly protected....
Bauhinia galpinii
With attractive brick red flowers from December onwards this scrambling shrub is a summer delight in many gardens....
Protea caffra
The common sugar bush is one of three proteas which occur in the Witwatersrand area. ...