Plants of the Week
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Tripteris oppositifolia
This species is now known as Osteospermum oppositifolium. ...
Tripteris clandestina
This plant is now called Osteospermum monstrosum (Burm.f.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt...
Tripteris aghillana
See Osteospermum scariosum...
Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia
This is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized, single stemmed tree, with decorative foliage that truly resembles the forest raisin tree, as well as the...
Trifolium africanum
Tridactyle bicaudata
Anyone who has had the pleasure of walking in the dry forests which occur along the eastern coast of Africa, will have noticed the sometimes large clumps...
Trichostomum brachydontium
Trichostomum brachydontium is the most widespread and frequently collected moss in South Africa....
Tricholaena monachne
Tricholaena monachne is an attractive grass with an open panicle inflorescence and green spikelets that are often flushed or almost entirely purple. It...
Trichodiadema pygmaeum
Trichodiadema pygmaeum is a lovely dwarf succulent shrub with pretty pink flowers and hairy leaves. It is suitable for growing in a rockery and since...
Trichodesma physaloides
Drooping flowers with large, brownish purple calyces and white corollas characterise this plant which is conspicuous in early spring, especially where...
Trichodesma angustifolium
Dainty pale blue flowers that turn pink with age cover bushes of Trichodesma angustifolium subsp. angustifolium in springtime, especially after fire....
Trichocladus grandiflorus
Trichocladus grandiflorus is a most handsome and easily cultivated ornamental tree, well deserving of a place in any garden, yet it remains as little...
Trichocephalus stipularis
A hardy, rounded shrublet, with evergreen dark foliage, starry pink flowers in white-woolly, rounded flowerheads in autumn and winter followed by reddish,...
Trichilia emetica
The Natal mahogany is an evergreen tree with handsome dark green glossy leaves and a wide-spreading crown. Its sweet-scented flowers will attract bees...
Trichilia dregeana
Trichilia dregeana is a lovely large tree that inhabits evergreen forests in high rainfall areas. It is a highly ornamental species with considerable cultural...
Tribolium uniolae
A small, tufted, perennial grass with attractive inflorescences that are used in flower arranging....
Trianoptiles is a tiny genus of three species, two of which are highly threatened in their natural habitat. Despite being on the brink of extinction...
Trema orientalis
Trema orientalis is a fast-growing shade tree with soft foliage, best suited to gardens and streets in the warmer and wetter regions of southern Africa...
Trachyandra tabularis
An obligatory cliff-dweller, forming clusters of rosettes of firm, green, linear, succulent leaves that hang from the south-facing sandstone cliffs of...
Trachyandra falcata
Trachyandra falcata is a fast-growing, summer-dormant, perennial geophyte, easily propagated from seed. The young inflorescences are harvested in winter...