Plants of the Week
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Stachys tubulosa
Best grown in shady conditions, Stachys tubulosa is an attractive, evergreen and hardy plant that displays its tubular mauve flowers during the summer...
Senecio oxyriifolius
An unusual succulent herb with ornamental nasturtium-like leaves that is a rewarding, low maintenance and water-wise garden plant or container plant for...
Searsia natalensis
An attractive hedge or garden tree that is also used medicinally for various ailments. It can be easily propagated from seed....
Stoeberia giftbergensis
A large, shrubby, leaf succulent with white to pink flowers in spring; it is a rare endemic of the Gifberg in the Western Cape....
Salvia scabra
Salvia scabra is a dainty sage which is adorned with mauve flowers between spring and autumn, with its peak flowering in summer. Being water-wise and its...
Searsia burchellii
A much-branched, evergreen shrub or small tree with small, glossy, waxy leaves, common in the dry karroid regions of southern Africa, that is frost hardy...
Syncolostemon canescens
A small, aromatic perennial, with dainty, purplish pink, summer flowers and leaves that have a strong and unusual fruity, coconutty scent; a ‘must-have’...
Sesamum eriocarpum
Sesamum eriocarpum is a perennial herb which creeps along the ground in the Kalahari, with beautiful, bright mauve flowers that magnificently compliment...
Syncolostemon macranthus
An attractive, shrubby perennial, with bright pink to mauve flowers, in summer....
Sansevieria hallii
Sansevieria hallii represents a rare succulent, with mottled, sickle-shaped leaves and beautiful white flowers. It is confined to the northeastern parts...
Senecio gerrardii
Visitors to wetland areas in Mpumalanga would be very familiar with this very characteristic species. It is particularly common in the Verlorenvlei area,...
Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea
Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea is a parasitic plant that occurs on the roots of trees and shrubs, especially on African acacias (Vachellia species)....
Struthiola striata
A pretty shrub with four petaloid scales and cream-coloured flowers, honey-scented at night....
Stachys aethiopica
Stachys aethiopica is a vigorous and versatile spring-flowering groundcover, suitable for sun to shade areas....
Stachys rugosa
Spring flowering Stachys rugosa is a water-wise, ornamental, herbaceous perennial, with felted leaves that have a pungent aroma of pyrethrum or sheep dip,...
Sida’s weed-like habit and small flowers keep it away from the popularity enjoyed by its tropical splendour relative, the Hibiscus. The attraction...
Streptocarpus confusus
A unique species of the genus Streptocarpus, exhibiting two special subspecies of unifoliate and monocarpic characteristics, boasting a large leaf with...
Setaria verticillata
Setaria verticillata is a species of grass known by the common name, bur bristlegrass. It is easily distinguished from other Setaria species by retrorsely...
Schistostephium rotundifolium
A bushy shrub with decorative foliage and attractive yellow flowerheads in autumn to winter, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Strophanthus amboensis
When the Elephant Vine is well maintained, it can grow into a reasonable-sized bushy tree with extraordinary pretty, faintly but sweet-scented flowers...