Plants of the Week
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Huernia pendula
Huernia pendula is a cliff hanger with rope-like leafless branches and bowl-shaped pendent flowers confined to dry river valleys in the Eastern Cape....
Erythrophysa alata
The intensely red flowers of this small rigid tree are unlike those of any other small tree from Namaqualand....
Tavaresia barklyi
The neat appearance of the ribbed stems furnished with bristles at first reminds one of a cactus, but when the bizarre trumpet-shaped flowers appear, one...
Crassula exilis
An attractive, dwarf succulent flowering cushion, excellent for rockeries and living walls....
Riocreuxia genus
Most species in this genus are herbaceous climbers and may cover their supporting vegetation in a green mass of leaves....
Erica nevillei
The tubular, bright red flowers of Erica nevillei are breathtaking and the low-growing, sprawling habit of this Cape Peninsula endemic will fascinate...
Crassula mesembrianthemopsis
One of the smallest and most bizarre succulents in South Africa, this plant has seldom been seen in the wild and is virtually unknown in cultivation....
Aloe genus
With their usually spiny leaves arranged in neat rosettes, and tall candle-like inflorescences in predominantly red and vibrant orange hues, aloes are...
Strelitzia alba
Strelitzia alba is the rarest of the three large banana-like Strelitzia species occurring in southern Africa which are separated by flower characteristics...
Lotononis calycina
A small flat-growing yellow-flowered leguminous herb graces the dreary Highveld landscape in early spring. This delicate silvery plant highlights the importance...
Piliostigma thonnigii
This is a deciduous tree suitable for a large garden. It has large 2-lobed leathery leaves....
Kraussia floribunda
This is a pleasing garden shrub with faintly scented, attractive white flowers which appear in midsummer followed by a further season of interest in winter...
Pelargonium vitifolium
This lovely vine leaved shrub that is stunning in full flower, with its balm scent, is ideal for your fragrant garden....
Osmitopsis asteriscoides
This attractive white daisy has been in use for various medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. During spring and early summer many of the wetland areas...
Leucadendron linifolium
Leucadendron linifolium is a neat, evergreen shrub, water-wise in the winter-rainfall region and ideal for gardens on the sandy flats. It is used...
Baphia racemosa
Baphia racemosa is an evergreen shrub with white flowers that stand out against the green forest and fill the air with a strong violet scent....
Gazania rigens var. leucolaena
When in full flower, the bright yellow flower heads set against the greyish white leaves, create an attractive, bright, cheerful patch to lighten up any...
Erica triflora
Erica triflora has been in cultivation for a long time and appears on a list of heaths that were cultivated by Messrs Lee and Kennedy at Hammersmith,...
Family: Montiniaceae
Members of the family are shrubs, trees or woody lianes, characterised by simple, alternate or opposite leaves with entire margins, sexes on separate plants,...
Leucadendron rubrum
Leucadendron rubrum is not a flowering show stopper. It is an interesting shrub producing wonderful, brightly coloured cones looking like spinning...