Plants of the Week
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Ceropegia sandersonii
Members of the genus Ceropegia are characterized by tubular flowers, specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination purposes. The...
Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii
This dainty little Ceropegia, sometimes also known as Ceropegia woodii, is globally probably one of the most widely cultivated of all the species of this...
Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ceropegia ampliata
Members of the genus Ceropegia are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination purposes. The...
Ceriops tagal
A compact branched tree or shrub with a distinctive root growth, fascinating growth habit and seeds, occurring in the tidal estuaries, lagoons and swamps,...
Ceratotheca triloba
Ceratotheca triloba is now known as Sesamum trilobum...
Ceratotheca saxicola
Ceratotheca saxicola is now known as Sesamum saxicola ...
Cerastium arabidis
Unlike other members in the carnation family, Cerastium arabidis is barely known, yet its simple leaves and continuing flushes of pretty,...
Cephalophyllum parviflorum
Cephalophyllum parviflorum is one of the lesser-known species in the vygie family; it is predominantly a dwarf, trailing, succulent ground cover, hence...
Cephalophyllum alstonii
Cephallophyllum alstonii is a creeping perennial succulent, ideal as a ground cover, or as a pot plant on a patio. The spectacular, brightly coloured...
Cephalaria zeyheriana
A well-adapted grassland perennial with elongated inflorescence stalks, white or creamy white flower heads, with protruding stamens. Known from the northern...
Cephalaria pungens
Attractive cream, white or pale yellow flower heads, with protruding greyish anthers, attracts you from afar, especially when growing gregariously and...
Cephalanthus natalensis
Cenchrus ciliaris
Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial, tufted grass. The inflorescence is a bristly 'spike' (like a cat's tail) and is nearly always purple to...
Celtis africana
There is no doubt that this is an excellent tree to use in a landscape, and it is a rewarding garden tree. It gives shade in summer, and is fast and easy...
Catha edulis
This is a very attractive, small deciduous tree, with bright green leaves that turn to a pleasing yellowish colour in autumn. Its beauty is also complemented...
Cassinopsis ilicifolia
Cassine peragua
Cassine peragua is a medium-sized tree suitable for suburban gardens, with fragrant flowers and decorative, bird-attracting fruits, but its most attractive...
Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana
The long-tail cassia is ideal for small to medium-sized gardens where it will attract attention with both its beautiful deep yellow, sweetly scented flowers...
Carruanthus peersii
Carruanthus peersii is only known from the cliffs of Toorwaterpoort. It is a small, cliff-hugging, branched shrublet becoming a hanger with age, with pale...