Plants of the Week
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Carruanthus peersii
Carruanthus peersii is only known from the cliffs of Toorwaterpoort. It is a small, cliff-hugging, branched shrublet becoming a hanger with age, with pale...
Carpobrotus quadrifidus
Carpobrotus quadrifidus, formerly named C. sauerae, stands out in the varied conglomeration of mesembs as the one species with the largest flowers....
Carpobrotus muirii
The Albertinia sour fig is a mat-forming leaf succulent from sandy regions near Albertinia in the Western Cape. It is the smallest of the species of Carpobrotus...
Carpobrotus mellei
The mountain sourfig is a mat-forming leaf succulent from the mountains in the Western Cape. The leaves are ascending and slightly glaucous, the flowers...
Carpobrotus edulis
Carpobrotus edulis is an easy-to-grow succulent groundcover, ideal for low-maintenance and water-wise gardens. It is also a useful first-aid plant...
Carpobrotus dimidiatus
Carpobrotus deliciosus
A flat-growing, rapidly spreading, evergreen, succulent-leaved perennial with large, purple-pink flowers in spring and edible fruits, Carpobrotus deliciosus...
Carpanthea pomeridiana
Carpanthea pomeridiana is an easily propagated, fast-growing annual, endemic to the sandy coastal regions of the Western Cape. It has golden-yellow flowers...
Carissa sebrabergensis
The Sebraberg numnum is a rare shrub from the Sebraberg in northern Kaokoveld, Namibia. It is a diminutive, layered evergreen, spiny shrub, with small...
Carissa macrocarpa
The Natal plum is a common and often conspicuous species in coastal bush and sand dunes....
Carissa edulis
A fast-growing, thorny, scrambling shrub with glossy foliage, masses of fragrant white flowers in spring and small, oval red edible fruits in summer....
Carissa bispinosa
The genus Carissa consists of evergreen shrubs and trees, with handsome, glossy foliage and fragrant, starry-white, jasmine-like flowers. Ornamental and...
Caputia tomentosa
A very striking shrublet with beautiful silvery white, cylindrical succulent leaves and yellow discoid-daisy flowerheads in late summer and autumn. It...
Caputia scaposa
This is a short, drought tolerant, succulent shrublet, belonging to the daisy family (Asteraceae), with showy, spreading leaves in a central rosette and...
Caputia pyramidata
Caputia pyramidata is a drought-tolerant succulent-leaved shrub, endemic to the Albany Thicket vegetation in the Eastern Cape. It has showy, ascending...
Caputia oribiensis
Caputia oribiensis is an ascending, sparsely branched, drought tolerant, succulent shrublet, belonging to the daisy family (Asteraceae), with showy,...
Capparis tomentosa
Capparis tomentosa is a decorative garden plant that is used for hedging in many rural communities in South Africa. Its most popular common name, wag-‘n-bietjie...
Canthium spinosum
A shrub or small tree with spiny branches, pale grey bark and edible berries that are also popular with birds. It makes an excellent hedge, and the wood...
Canthium inerme
The ecological and cultural aspects of this tree, its lovely aesthetic qualities and its relatively widespread distribution in southern Africa, make this...
Canthium ciliatum
Canthium ciliatum is a hardy shrub or small tree found on forest margins and rock outcrops in the eastern regions of South Africa, and in Swaziland and...