Plants of the Week
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Cannomois virgata
Cannomois virgata is a fast-growing reed-like plant and is the only member of the genus to be found on the Cape Peninsula....
Cannomois grandis
Cannabis sativa
Current legislation prohibits the cultivation, possession and trade in cannabis in South Africa. This page is being posted for information purposes only...
This is a cosmopolitan family with showy flowers, mainly from the northern hemisphere, but in the southern hemisphere South Africa is particularly rich...
Calpurnia aurea
With decorative foliage, showy yellow flowers and a graceful habit, Calpurnia aurea is an asset in any garden....
Calodendrum capense
Calodendrum capense, a beautiful tree from the Cape, the name says it all: kalos means beautiful, and dendron is Greek for tree, capense is...
Calobota cytisoides
Calobota cytisoides is an attractive, yellow-flowered shrub which is widespread in the Western Cape Province of South Africa....
Callilepis leptophylla
An aromatic perennial herb with needle-like leaves and large flowers early in the season, and it mixes well with grasses. ...
Callilepis laureola
This is a spring flower of the grasslands with the unusual combination of dark disc, white rays and bright green foliage, making it an attractive garden...
Calanthe sylvatica
A robust, terrestrial orchid with large, pale lilac or purple blooms during summer....
Caesalpinia rostrata
This medium to large scrambling shrub with its beautiful leaf patterns produces pink flowers towards the end of the year. It is an interesting plant for...
Caesalpinia bracteata
Caesalpinia bracteata represents a fairly recent discovery. It is a rare, thorny shrub with beautiful pink flowers, endemic to the dry desert of the lower...
Cadaba aphylla