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Searsia ciliata
PlantCommon names: sour karee (Eng.); suurkaree (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae
22/09/2003 | | Free State NBG
Searsia dentata
PlantCommon names: nana-berry ( Eng. ); nanabessie (Afr.); inKlolo (Xhosa); Lebelebele (Sotho); Umkungu (Ndebele)
Family: Anacardiaceae
19/09/2005 | | Free State NBG
Searsia discolor
PlantCommon names: grassveld currant ( Eng. ); grasveld taaibos (Afr.); Koppshane, mohlohlooane (Southern Sotho)?; inhlangushane (Sw)?; Inkobesehlungulu, intlokotshane, umnungamabele (Xhosa)
Family: Anacardiaceae
14/03/2005 | | Free State NBG
Searsia erosa
PlantCommon names: Broom karee, Besembos
Family: Anacardiaceae
28/10/2002 | | Free State NBG
Searsia lancea
PlantCommon names: karee (Eng.); karee, rooikaree (Afr.); mokalabata, monhlohlo, motshakhutshakhu (N.Sotho); inhlangutshane (Siswati); mosinabele, mosilabele (S.Sotho); mosabele, mosilabele (Tswana); mushakaladza (Venda); umhlakotshane (Xhosa)
Family: Anacardiaceae
03/06/2002 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Searsia leptodictya
PlantCommon names: mountain karee, rock karee ( Eng. ); bergkaree, klipkaree (Afr.); inHlangushane (siSwati); Mohlwehlwe (Northern Sotho)
Family: Anacardiaceae
23/05/2005 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Searsia pendulina
PlantCommon names: White Karee, Willow Karee, River Karee (English), Witkaree, Rivierkaree, Kareehout, Kareeboom Rosynebos, Rosyntjiebos, Wilderosyntjieboom (Afrikaans), Garas (Nama), mosilabele (South Sotho)
Family: Anacardiaceae
17/01/2005 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Searsia pyroides
PlantCommon names: common wild currant, fire-thorn karree (Eng.); gewone taaibos (Afr); motshakhutshakhu (North Sotho); koditshane (South Sotho); mogodiri (Tswana); mutasiri (Venda); inHlokoshiyane (Zulu); ntlokotshane (Xhosa)
Family: Anacardiaceae
19/02/2007 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Senecio barbertonicus
PlantCommon names: succulent bush senecio, Barberton senecio, Barberton groundsel, Barberton coltsfoot, lemon bean bush, finger-leaved senecio
Family: Asteraceae
18/08/2014 | | Pretoria NBG
Serruria fasciflora
PlantCommon names: common pin spiderhead; speldespinnekopbos (Afr.)
Family: Proteaceae
25/08/2014 | | Kirstenbosch NBG