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Ziziphus rivularis
PlantCommon names: false buffalo-thorn, river buffalo thorn, river jujube (Eng.); rivierblinkblaar, vals-wag-’n-bietjie (Afr.); mukhalu-vhufa, mulalantsa (Tshivenda)
Family: Rhamnaceae
08/07/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Equilabium laxiflorum
PlantCommon names: citronella dutch-pipe-sage (Eng.); sitrinella-kromsteelpypsalie (Afr.); ubebebe (isiXhosa)
Family: Lamiaceae
24/06/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Sporobolus africanus
PlantCommon names: rat’s tail dropseed, rat’s tail grass, rush grass, tough dropseed (Eng.); fynsaadgras, saadgras, taaipol, vleigras, rotstert, taaipolfynsaadgras (Afri.); matshiki (isiZulu)
Family: Poaceae
24/06/2019 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Willdenowia incurvata
PlantCommon names: sonkwas restio (Eng.); sonkwasriet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae
01/07/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Common names: grape lannea, wild grape (Eng.); wildedruif (Afr.); umgabunkhomo (isiZulu); mutsambatsi (siSwati); phepo (Setswana).
Family: Anacardiaceae
01/07/2019 | | Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
Phygelius capensis
PlantCommon names: southern river bell, wild fuchsia, Cape fuchsia (Eng.); rivierklokkie, foksia (Afr.); metsi-matsho (Sesotho)
Family: Scrophulariaceae
08/07/2019 | | Free State NBG
Justicia adhatodoides
PlantCommon names: pistol bush (Eng.); pistoolbos (Afr.); ihlwalane, isepheka, ihlwehlwe (Xhosa); uthabe, lothabe (Zulu)
Family: Acanthaceae
09/07/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Justicia aconitiflora
PlantCommon names: yellow pistolbush, lemon pistolbush (Eng.); geelpistoolbos, lemoenpistoolbos (Afr.)
Family: Acanthaceae
09/07/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Encephalartos msinganus
PlantCommon names: Msinga cycad (Eng.); msinga-broodboom (Afr.)
Family: Zamiaceae
15/07/2019 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Common names: common ice plant, crystalline ice plant, rosa de jericho (Eng.); brakslaai, brakvy, noeta, olifantslaai, slaai, slaaibos, slaaibossie, soutslaai, volstruisslaai (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae
15/07/2019 | | Kirstenbosch NBG