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Common names: sheep's ears everlasting (Eng.); skaapoorbossie (Afr.); senkotoana (South Sotho); ibode, indlebeyemvu (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae
31/10/2005 | | Pretoria NBG
Helichrysum aureonitens
PlantCommon names: golden everlasting (Eng.); goue sewejaartjie (Afr.); toane-ntja, toane-poli (S. Sotho); impepho-emphlope, indondokozane, inkondlwane (Xhosa)
Family: Asteraceae
17/12/2007 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Common names:
Family: Asteraceae
26/03/2007 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Helichrysum nudifolium
PlantCommon names: Hottentot's tea (Eng.); Hottentotstee (Afr.); letapiso, mohlomela-tsie-oa-thaba (Southern Sotho); ludvutfane (Swazi); icholocholo (Xhosa, Zulu); isidwaba-somkhovu, umagada-emthini (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae
10/11/2003 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Common names: hairy everlasting (Eng.); bolebo, boleba-ba-liliba, leboko, papetloane-ea-liliba, papetloane-e-kholo, tsebe-litelele (South Sotho); isicwe (Xhosa, Zulu?); umadotsheni, umaphephesa (Zulu )
Family: Asteraceae
09/03/2009 | | Free State NBG
Common names: most fragrant helichrysum (Eng.); kooigoed, kruie (Afr.); imphepho (Xhosa & Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae
27/12/2004 | | Pretoria NBG
Helichrysum petiolare
PlantCommon names: silver bush everlasting, herbal helichrysum, bedding helichrysum (Eng.), kooigoed, kruie (Afr.), imphepho (Xho.)
Family: Asteraceae
06/09/2004 | | Harold Porter NBG
Helichrysum platypterum
PlantCommon names: umbizakayivuthwa, uhlokokayivuthwa, umgunyuza (isiZulu)
Family: Asteraceae
30/04/2007 | | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
Common names: woolly umbrella helichrysum (Eng.); kerriekruie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae
22/03/2004 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Helichrysum cooperi
PlantCommon names: yellow everlasting (Eng), geelsewejaartjie (Afr.), bohloko, phefo-ae-thaba, toane-balimo, toane-balingoana (South Sotho), umadotsheni (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae
09/02/2009 | | Free State NBG