Pavetta zeyheri Sond. subsp. zeyheri
Common names: grey-leaved bride’s bush, small-leaved bride’s bush, narrow-leaved bride’s bush (Eng.); fynblaarbruidbos (Afr.); igcegceleya, igceya (isiXhosa); murunda (Tshivenda); maitla-a-diluk, tshithabani (Shangaan); matiadule, tshitabanna (Setswana)
SA Tree No: 722
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Pavetta cooperi Harv. & Sond.
Common names: Christmas bush, pompon bride's bush (Eng.); pomponbruidsbos, kers(mis)bos (Afr.); luphehlwane (Siswati); is-Anywana (Zulu).
SA Tree No: 719
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Pavetta L.
Common names: bride's bush, Christmas bush ( Eng. ); bruidsboom, bruidsbos, kers(mis)bos (Afr.)
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A. Calyx lobes long, linear.
All species below have this characteristic.
P. barbertonensis Bremek. Barberton bride's bush, Barberton pavetta; Barbertonse bruidsbos (Afr.); luphehlwane (Siswati). SA Tree No. 716.2
Slender shrub, up to 2 m high, growing in forest or margins of forest usually in dense shade. The leaves are clustered at the tips of the branches and are petiolate, elliptic-acuminate to broadly elliptic-acuminate, very thin, sparsely hairy on both surfaces, but with hairs more dense on main veins on lower surface, margins ciliate. Domatia occur on the lower leaf surface. Bacterial nodules are scattered on the leaf blade or arranged along the veins. The flowers are arranged in few-flowered, little-branched, umbrella-like inflorescences on side branches. The calyx lobes are linear-filiform, 4-6 mm long and persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to January. Distribution: Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces of South Africa, and Swaziland.
P. capensis (Houtt.) Bremek. subsp. capensis. Eastern Cape bride's bush; Oos-Kaapse bruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 716.5
Small tree or shrub, up to 5 m high. The leaves are subsessile to distinctly petiolate, obovate-acute to narrowly obovate-acute, thick-textured, almost semisucculent, glossy green, glabrous or very rarely hairy. Domatia occur on the lower leaf surface. Round bacterial nodules are arranged mainly along the main and secondary veins but are sometimes more scattered over the leaf surface. The flowers are arranged in tight, unbranched, umbrella-like balls on short side branches. The calyx lobes are linear, 4-6 mm long and persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to February. It grows in coastal bush on sand dunes, on hillsides, in forest and wooded kloofs. Distribution: only in the Eastern Cape..
P. capensis (Houtt.) Bremek. subsp. komghensis (Bremek.) Kok. Hairy Eastern Cape bride's bush; harige Oos-Kaapse bruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 716.6
The leaves are thinner in texture, hairy on both surfaces or sparsely so on the upper surface. It grows on the edges of bush clumps, forest margins or in forest and riverine bush. Distribution: KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.
P. cooperi Harv. & Sond. Pompon bride's bush; pompombruidsbos (Afr.); luphehlwane (Siswati); is-Anywana (Zulu). SA Tree No. 719.4
Shrub or small tree up to 6 m high. The leaves are petiolate, broadly elliptic-acute, elliptic or broadly obovate-acute, densely hairy, rarely sparsely so, with many secondary veins. Domatia covered by dense hairy pockets occur in some of the axils of the main and secondary veins on the lower leaf surface. The bacterial nodules are round or slightly elongated, mostly arranged along the veins. The flowers are arranged in dense, many-flowered, unbranched balls on side branches. The calyx lobes are linear, hairy, 5-8 mm long and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to January. It often grows among large boulders or rocks on mountainslopes and hillsides, but also on forest margins or as part of the undergrowth in forest or in bush clumps. Distribution: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, Swaziland and Lesotho.
P. gracilifolia Bremek. Narrow-leaf bride's bush, small bride's bush; smalblaarbruidsbos, kleinbruidsbos (Afr.); luphehlwane (Siswati). SA Tree No. 717.5
Dwarf shrub, shrub or sometimes becoming a small tree, up to 3 m high. The leaves are small, sessile to petiolate, elliptic, narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, hairy or glabrous. The bacterial nodules are round or slightly elongated, scattered over the leaf surface. Domatia are absent from the lower leaf surface. The flowers are arranged in few- to many-flowered, branched, umbrella-like clusters on side branches. The calyx lobes are linear, hairy or glabrous, 3.5-7.0 mm long and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to February. Plants grow among other trees and shrubs or in forest in light to dense shade, among rocks or in rock crevices. Distribution: Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, in Swaziland and also in Mozambique and Tanzania ; it is apparently cultivated in Zimbabwe (Bridson 2003).
P. natalensis Sond. Natal bride's bush, coast bride's bush; natalbruidsbos, kusbruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 719
Small tree or shrub up to 3 m high growing in deep shade in forests or in bush clumps. The leaves are petiolate, fairly large, narrowly elliptic, acute to acuminate and glabrous. Domatia are present on the lower leaf surfaces. The bacterial nodules are elongated and arranged mostly along the main vein, but some round nodules are also present and scattered over the leaf surface. The flowers are arranged in few- to many-flowered, branched, lax, umbrella-like clusters on side branches. The calyx lobes are linear, 4-8 mm long and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded in December and January. Distribution: KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.
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P. bowkeri Harv. Hairy coastal bride's bush; harige kusbruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 719.1.
It is very similar to P. natalensis but the leaves are velvety hairy on the lower surface. Flowering for this species has been recorded from November to February. Distribution: KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.
B. Calyx lobes broad, leaf-like
All species below have this characteristic.
P. catophylla K.Schum. Sand bride's bush; sandbruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 719.3.
Shrub or dwarf shrub up to 2 m high. The leaves are sessile, obovate-acute, long attenuate at the base, semisucculent and glabrous or hairy. Domatia are absent on the lower leaf surface. Bacterial nodules are round, scattered over the leaf surface and arranged along the veins. The flowers are arranged in tight, unbranched balls, closely surrounded by leaves. The calyx lobes are broad, almost leaf-like, 5-10 x 1.5-3 mm and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to February. It grows among rocks on koppies (hilltops) and hillsides or in bush clumps and as undergrowth in forest. Distribution: Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, and also in Mozambique.
C. Calyx cup-shaped
All species below have this characteristic.
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P. edentula Sond. Gland-leaf tree, gland-leaf bride's bush, large-leaf bride's bush; kliertjiesboom (Afr.); umgcobagcobane (Sawoti); isiMuncwane, uMafayindlala (Zulu). SA Tree No. 717
Shrub or small tree up to 5 m high with thick corky bark, plant giving the impression of being succulent. The leaves are petiolate, large, crowded at the tips of thick branches, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, acute, bright green, glabrous and glossy. There are no domatia present on the lower leaf surfaces. The bacterial nodules are round and scattered over the leaf surface. The flowers are arranged in large, many-flowered, much-branched, lax, umbrella-like clusters close to the stem or on short side branches, below the leaves. The calyx is shallowly cup-shaped with four broadly triangular teeth but no distinct lobes, also visible in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to February. The plants often grow on rocky hillsides, singly or in bush clumps, rarely on the margin of riverine forest. Distribution: Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, in Swaziland and also in Mozambique.
P. eylesii S.Moore. Large-leaf bride's bush, flake-bark bride's bush; grootblaarbruidsbos, skilferbasbruidsbos (Afr.); siMunyane (Siswati). SA Tree No. 717.1 .
Shrub or small tree up to 8 m with yellowish or light brown, flaky bark. The leaves are petiolate, large, elliptic to broadly elliptic, sometimes broadly obovate, acute or ovate, acute, glabrous or sparsely hairy on the upper surface, the lower surface densely hairy. The bacterial nodules are round or slightly elongated and scattered over the leaf surface. There are no domatia present on the lower leaf surface. Small flowers are arranged in many-flowered, much-branched, lax, umbrella-like clusters surrounded by the leaves or below the leaves. The calyx is cup-shaped with four broadly triangular teeth, also visible in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from November to January. The plants grow among rocks or large boulders on hillsides or flat areas. Distribution: Botswana, Limpopo, North-West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga, and also in Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
D. Calyx lobes short
All species below have this characteristic.
![Copyright Geoff Nichols Copyright Geoff Nichols](
P. galpinii Bremek. Large-leaf bride's bush, forest gland-leaf bride's bush; grootblaarbruidsbos, woudkliertjiesboom (Afr.). SA Tree No. 717.4
Shrub up to 2.5 m occurring as undergrowth in forest or on river banks, usually in dense shade. The leaves are petiolate, large, narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate and acute to acuminate. They are glossy, dark green above but paler below. Domatia are present on the lower leaf surfaces and the bacterial nodules are round and scattered all over the leaf surface. The flowers are large, arranged in few-flowered, branched, umbrella-like clusters. The calyx lobes are short, broad and rounded, up to 1 mm long and persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from December to February. Distribution: Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, and in Swaziland.
![Pavettarevoluta:Image Geoff Nichols Pavettarevoluta:Image Geoff Nichols](
P. revoluta Hochst. Dune bride's bush; duinebruidsbos (Afr.), mponjane (Xhosa). SA Tree No. 720
Small tree or shrub up to 8 m tall growing in coastal bush or forest not far from the sea. The leaves are petiolate, elliptic to broadly elliptic to obovate, acute to obtuse, shiny, glabrous, dark green above, almost semisucculent. The bacterial nodules are round or slightly elongated and are arranged mainly along the main veins but also scattered over the leaf surface. Domatia are present on the lower leaf surfaces in the axils of the main and secondary veins. The flowers are arranged in few- to many-flowered, much-branched umbrella-like clusters in the upper leaf axils. The calyx lobes are short, broad, almost triangular, up to 2 mm long and persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from November to February, and some occasional, flowering branches in other odd months because of its habitat. Distribution: along the coast of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, and also in Mozambique.
P. zeyheri Sond. subsp. zeyheri. Small-leaf bride's bush, grey-leaf bride's bush, narrow-leaf bride's bush; fynblaarbruidsbos, vaalbruidsbos, smalblaarbruidsbos (Afr.). SA Tree No. 722
Shrub or small tree up to 4 m high. The leaves are sessile or subsessile, narrowly obovate, to narrowly elliptic, glabrous and dull green. Domatia are absent on the lower leaf surfaces. The bacterial nodules are round or slightly elongated and scattered over the leaf surfaces. The flowers are arranged in few-flowered, little branched umbrella-like clusters on short side branches. The calyx lobes are short, 0.5-2 mm long and persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to February. It grows mainly on rocky outcrops and hillsides but also on flats, often on sandy soil. Distribution: Botswana, Limpopo, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Free State.
P. zeyheri Sond. subsp. middelburgensis (Bremek.) P.P.J.Herman is a dwarf, compact shrub, almost bonsai-like, up to 0.5 m tall, growing wedged amongst outcrops of rocks and boulders or rocky sheets. Its leaves are sessile, small, narrowly obovate and dull green. Domatia are absent from the lower leaf surface. The bacterial nodules are round and scattered over the leaf surfaces. The dainty flowers are arranged in few-flowered, little-branched umbrella-like clusters. The calyx lobes are 0.5-1.2 mm long and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded from October to December. Distribution: confined to the Middelburg area in Mpumalanga.
P. zeyheri Sond. subsp. microlancea (K.Schum.) P.P.J.Herman is also a small shrub, up to 0.8 m tall, growing on rocky slopes or loamy flats. The leaves are sessile and narrowly obovate to narrowly elliptic. Domatia are absent from the lower leaf surfaces. The bacterial nodules are round and scattered over the leaf surfaces. The dainty flowers are arranged in few-flowered, unbranched, umbrella-like clusters. The calyx lobes are 1-2 mm long and are persistent in fruit. Flowering has been recorded in November and December. Distribution: in the Sabie, Komatipoort and Crocodile Bridge areas of Mpumalanga, and probably extending into adjacent parts of Mozambique and Swaziland.
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Pavetta schumanniana F.Hoffm. ex K.Schum.
Common names: poison bride's bush (Eng.); gifbruidsbos (Afr.); Sawoti (siSwati); Tshituku ( Venda ); isiMbuzana (isiZulu)
SA Tree No: 721
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Pavetta revoluta Hochst.
Common names: dune bride's bush ( Eng. ); duinebruidsbos (Afr.); umCilikishe (Xhosa); umHlabambaza (Zulu)
SA Tree No: 720
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Pavetta lanceolata Eckl.
Common names: weeping bride's bush, forest bride's bush, bridal bush, Christmas bush ( Eng.); treurbruidsbos, bruidsbos (Afr.); umhleza, ilitoba, umgonogono, umphonyana (Xhosa); igololembuzi, umdleza (Zulu); mufhanza, tshituku (Venda)
SA Tree No: 718.1
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Gardening skill:
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Pavetta gardeniifolia A.Rich var. gardeniifolia
Common names: Christmas bride's bush, Christmas bush, kersbruidsbos (Afr.)
SA Tree No: 716
Plant Attributes:
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Flowering season:
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Gardening skill:
Special Features:
Horticultural zones
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