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Watsonia latifolia
This is an attractive plant with very showy maroon-red flowers that make it stand out on hillsides where it grows amongst rocks....
Croton pseudopulchellus
A pale white/yellow-flowered, shrubby, perennial plant with a sweet smell that attracts many insects....
Aristea ecklonii
Aristea ecklonii is an indigenous, evergreen perennial with attractive, blue, star-like flowers that make quite a show in early summer and late spring....
Grewia flavescens
The light green Grewia flavescens has beautiful, bright yellow, and sometimes fragrant flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small...
Grewia monticola
The mountain-loving Grewia monticola has beautiful, bright yellow flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small tree that is adaptable to all...
Barleria heterotricha subsp.heterotricha
A hardy indigenous plant with interesting leaf colour and texture for sunny areas in your garden....
Plecostachys serpyllifolia
An easy-to-grow, grey-leaved perennial that forms a mound as its slender stems tangle together most delightfully. Perfect for a mixed herbaceous border...
Anastrabe integerrima
With its clusters of custard-yellow pouch-shaped flowers combined with very attractive leaves that contrast their dark green tops with silvery white and...
Portulacaria armiana
Portulacaria armiana is a large succulent-leafed shrub bearing grey-green leaves and long perennial whipstick-like branches with sprays of soft white flowers....
Englerophytum natalense
An attractive garden plant, a tree with edible fruit and white-to-cream flowers....
Erica verticillata
How could a plant as hardy and strikingly beautiful as Erica verticillata have been allowed to reach the precipice of extinction? Fortunately the story...
Berula repanda
Berula repanda is a luxuriantly foliaged plant, ideal for a garden pond or wet patch, and it is in full flower now....
Syncarpha recurvata
Syncarpha recurvata is a small, shrubby daisy with pretty pink flowerheads and attractive silvery foliage. This low shrub is endemic to a small area...
Metarungia longistrobus
Metarungia longistrobus is an unusual, attractive evergreen shrub for the shade garden, with long orange-brown flowers in candle-shaped inflorescences...
Hermas villosa
The creamy green flowers of this fynbos shrublet usually light up the veld from late summer to late autumn. However its allure doesn't stop there....
Pelargonium scabroide
A fairly small pelargonium suited for small rockeries in partially shaded areas....
Barleria dinteri
This is one of the lesser known barlerias, suitable for a sunny spot in your garden....
Salvia dolomitica
The dolomite sage is the perfect, hardy, frost tolerant shrub for every garden which will reward its gardener with its long summer display and aromatic...
Macrostylis villosa
Macrostylis villosa is a neat compact aromatic shrub producing clusters of white flowers over a long flowering period. Planted together with other...
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus tiliaceus is the only Hibiscus species which really becomes a small tree. It belongs to a family that is unmistakable when in flower, the cotton...