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Pelargonium exstipulatum
Most of the species in the Geraniaceae family are very attractive, and Pelargonium exstipulatum is no exception. It adds some character...
Thorncroftia succulenta
Thorncroftia succulenta is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden subject, well suited for hot...
Crassula deltoidea
A unique and intriguing dwarf, grey-leaved succulent well-suited to pot cultivation....
Vachellia tortilis
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers...
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum is a very attractive and easy-to-grow groundcover with small silvery grey leaves, covered with masses of bright yellow...
Agathosma serpyllacea
This pink, white or purple flowered buchu is an eye-catcher in a pot or in the garden when flowering....
Encephalartos laevifolius
Encephalartos laevifolius is a tall, slender cycad with even, regular, smooth leafbases. It grows well in full sun and tolerates any soil type, provided...
Clerodendron glabrum
This is a small tree with smelly leaves and scented flowers in summer. It has many traditional uses....
Agathosma cerefolium
This floriferous buchu is ideal for the small and large garden alike. It is also grows well in pots....
Aloe greenii
Aloe greenii is an excellent rockery plant and makes a good display pot plant in the shade. It has an impressive pink inflorescence that attracts sunbirds....
Croton pseudopulchellus
A pale white/yellow-flowered, shrubby, perennial plant with a sweet smell that attracts many insects....
Aristea ecklonii
Aristea ecklonii is an indigenous, evergreen perennial with attractive, blue, star-like flowers that make quite a show in early summer and late spring....
Nemesia strumosa
This striking annual comes in yellow, orange, pink, cream, red, mauve or white, and on its own it is capable of creating a riot of colours so typical of...
Felicia dubia
The blue and yellow dwarf felicia is one of the many annuals turning Namaqualand into such a kaleidoscope of colours during winter and spring....
Moraea loubseri
Moraea loubseri is a beautiful cormous plant from the Cape West Coast with violet-mauve blooms adorned with a prominent black beard. It is one of...
Chlorophytum comosum
Chlorophytum comosum is a perennial lily-like plant with tuberous roots, bearing spreading to recurved soft leaves from a central rosette and an elongated...
Conophytym obcordellum subsp. obcordellum
Minute but spectacular; Conophytum species are amongst the most intriguing of all dwarf succulents and C. obcordellum is perhaps one of the most spectacular...
Lannea discolor
Plecostachys serpyllifolia
An easy-to-grow, grey-leaved perennial that forms a mound as its slender stems tangle together most delightfully. Perfect for a mixed herbaceous border...
Erica scabriuscula
Erica scabriuscula is a most impressive, hardy erica that grows into a large bush covered with thousands of small white to pale pink flowers through...