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Ranunculus multifidus
Wild Buttercup is a small evergreen herb, with bright green leaves and masses of yellow flowers in summer, that grows well in damp grassland and spreads...
Plectranthus grallatus
An herbaceous shrub, that resprouts annually from underground tuberous stems, with large, decorative, soft leaves and white flowers in late summer; easy...
Elionurus muticus
Elionurus muticus is an ornamental grass that forms dense tufts with wiry, narrow leaf blades and showy, curved inflorescences. This grass is easily distinguished...
Drimia altissima
If you are looking for one of those mass flowering, tall bulbs, this is the one....
Adromischus umbraticola
Adromischus umbraticola is a fast-growing, tufted, dwarf, succulent shrub, with attractive rounded leaves and short spikes of pink flowers in late summer....
Vigna vexillata var. vexillata
Vigna vexillata var. vexillata is a perennial, creeping or climbing herb, with beautiful and pleasantly scented, whitish to mauve or dark pink flowers...
Crassula alba
A low-maintenance, attractive garden plant, with enormous, scarlet flower heads that offer a splash of colour to our autumn grasslands, and bright green,...
Gladiolus permeabilis
A hardy bulbous plant with dainty and intensely sweet-smelling flowers, perfectly paired with short grasses.Fig. 1. Flowers of Gladiolus permeabilis var....
Argyrolobium robustum
Argyrolobium robustum is an attractive plant with many-flowered, yellow flower-heads that are produced from spring to early summer; common in grasslands...
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia leendertziae is probably the most striking species of the genus Stapelia, especially when in flower, due to the unique, large, bell-shaped, deep...
Ruellia cordata
Ruellia cordata is known by its softly hairy, greyish leaves and showy pink, purple-blue or white flowers with purple streaks, in spring and early summer;...
Ziziphus zeyheriana
Ziziphus zeyheriana or, as it is commonly known, dwarf buffalo-thorn, is an inconspicuous, stunted, woody shrub and, just like its relative the tree Ziziphus...
Crossandra greenstockii
Crossandra greenstockii is a beautiful little perennial, with bright orange to red flowers all summer; it looks very stunning in flower, providing a welcome...
Pavonia columella
Pavonia columella, a hardy and aromatic subshrub, shows off its delicate, white to pink flowers all year round....
Chloris virgata
Chloris virgata is a pioneer grass that grows on bare ground and is used as pasture and hay grass, commonly known as feather finger grass and distinguishable...
Ledebouria inquinata
A dwarf bulbous plant with tapered green leaves, which are usually attractively spotted with dark brown spots and blotches. The bulbs are covered with...
Sesamum senecioides
A prostrate perennial, with annual creeping stems and white to pinkish flowers. It takes over open spaces in grassland and it is used as substitute for...
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...
Ledebouria burkei subsp. burkei
Dwarf bulbous plant usually with leaves pressed to the ground or presented close to the ground. The leaves are brownish-green and usually deep red underneath....
Plumbago zeylanica
Plumbago zeylanica is a gorgeous, eye-catching shrub that adds intrigue into any garden; it is covered with pretty trusses of small white or rarely pale...