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Thunbergia atriplicifolia
Thunbergia atriplicifolia is a softly hairy herbaceous shrublet with several stems that grow from a woody rootstock and beautiful creamy yellow flowers...
Themeda triandra
This is a lovely green to blue-green tufted grass that is often flushed with pink and turns red with age. Some forms have bright yellow culms (stems)....
Tetradenia riparia
An encounter with Tetradenia riparia in flower in the wintry, dry bush is most surprising. There is the impression of soft lilac mist on bare...
Terminalia sericea
Terminalia sericea is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree which grows up to 9 m, but individual trees can reach 23 m in height....
Tarchonanthus camphoratus
This interesting small tree with its attractive grey foliage is particularly suited to tough conditions. It was a very variable and widespread species...
Tapinanthus rubromarginatus
This is a semi-parasitic aerial shrub with specialized roots called haustoria that grow into the wood of the host plant and extracts oil minerals...
Tapinanthus oleifolius
Tapinanthus oleifolius is one of the best known of the evergreen half-parasitic shrubs growing on other trees and shrubs. The sticky seeds are deposited...
Talinum caffrum
A drought resistant, deciduous perennial with a large tuberous caudex, edible succulent leaves and short-lived yellow flowers in summer....
Tagetes minuta
Khaki bush planted around your house will provide you with a very good early-warning security system. The strong odor of the bush when crushed will immediately...
Syncolostemon canescens
A small, aromatic perennial, with dainty, purplish pink, summer flowers and leaves that have a strong and unusual fruity, coconutty scent; a ‘must-have’...
Strychnos madagascariensis
Very often confused with Strychnos spinosa, S. madagascariensis is a single- or multi-stemmed tree with a spreading, irregular, angular canopy. It grows...
Streptocarpus vandeleurii
This is an unusual herbaceous plant that consists of only one leaf with an impressive inflorescence of creamy white flowers that will die once it has flowered...
Sterculia murex
It is not only the beauty of the flowers that creates interest in this tree, but also the unique appearance of its fruit and the lovely, palmately compound...
Stenostelma umbelliferum
Stenostelma umbelluliferum was recently moved to the genus Stenostelma. Previously known as Schizoglossum umbelluliferum, it was rediscovered in...
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia leendertziae is probably the most striking species of the genus Stapelia, especially when in flower, due to the unique, large, bell-shaped, deep...
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...
Sporobolus africanus
Sporobolus africanus is a tough, palatable, perennial grass with a low leaf production. It is a good indicator of disturbed veld....
Spirostachys africana
Renowned for its beautiful wood, Spirostachys africana is a medium-sized, semi-deciduous tree with a round crown which occurs in low altitude bushveld,...
Sphenostylis angustifolia
Sphenostylis angustifolia, or the wild sweet-pea, is a lovely green perennial shrublet with an extensive woody rootstock that decorates the Highveld with...
Solanum giganteum
This big shrub with its colourful, long-lasting berries and large leaves with silvery undersides, makes an unusual hedge or background plant....