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Crotalaria magaliesbergensis
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis is small shrub that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock, to produce many, fragrant, yellow flowers. It will be a great...
Crinum lineare
Crinum lineare is a beautiful lily, capable of producing its outstanding flowers abundantly and will give any home or garden an attractive and stylish...
Scadoxus membranaceus
This beautiful, compact growing, evergreen Scadoxus has spirally arranged leaves and striking red flowerheads that resemble a paint brush, surrounded by...
Selago villicaulis ‘Purple Turtle’
This is a low growing perennial with striking lavender flowers, which appear twice in a year, in midwinter to spring and in midsummer, and sporadically...
Barleria rigida var. rigida
Your first choice plant for the sunny dry areas in your garden....
Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha
This low-growing, evergreen tree or scrambler, boasts with large, pleasantly scented white flowers in midsummer....
Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus
An interesting tree with a smooth, grey to silvery white trunk, and ovoid fruit crowned with 2 wings, which look remarkably like the slender wings of a...
Dombeya tiliacea
A pretty shrub or small tree, with white flowers in late summer to autumn, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Cwebe’
A handsome ornamental perennial whose graceful spreading fronds has broader needle-like leaflets than the other varieties of asparagus fern. New foliage...
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Diosma aristata
Diosma aristata is without a doubt the most threatened species in this enigmatic genus of plants. Buchus are well known for their medicinal qualities,...
Coleus venteri
A relatively new species to horticulture, Coleus venteri is a unique, aromatic, sun-loving, water-wise shrub that is fast growing once established and...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Meyersii’
Striking ornamental perennial with compactly clustered foliage on arched fronds resembling cat’s tails. Tiny, white, fragrant, star-like flowers...
Lobelia pubescens
This low-growing, bushy perennial, occurring near the coast, flowers from late spring to autumn. It will make a showy container plant, a lovely addition...
Stachys aethiopica
Stachys aethiopica is a vigorous and versatile spring-flowering groundcover, suitable for sun to shade areas....
Asparagus aethiopicus
A very important species as it is related to Asparagus officinalis, which is cultivated as a vegetable crop worldwide. This is a species that adapts very...
Crassula cultrata
A small, bushy succulent with attractive rounded leaves, often with reddish colouration, and yellowish flowers in midsummer; a low-maintenance plant that...
Azanza garckeana
Azanza garckeana with its non-aggressive root system, large leaves and crinkled yellow flowers, makes a beautiful shade tree which has the added bonus...
Ammocharis coranica
Ammocharis coranica lives up to its common name, sore eye flower. This striking beautiful bulb, with its umbel inflorescence, delivers spectacular flower...
Albizia suluensis
A beautiful, elegant tree only found in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. It is known for its hard and durable timber. It is very similar to Albizia lebbeck,...