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Streptocarpus saxorum
This is a charming Streptocarpus with dainty lilac flowers. It is both pretty and tough with succulent foliage which droops, making it ideal for hanging...
Streptocarpus fanniniae
Streptocarpus fanniniae is a perennial creeping plant cascading over moist cliffs on streambanks and near waterfalls in KwaZulu-Natal....
Huernia pendula
Huernia pendula is a cliff hanger with rope-like leafless branches and bowl-shaped pendent flowers confined to dry river valleys in the Eastern Cape....
Tavaresia barklyi
The neat appearance of the ribbed stems furnished with bristles at first reminds one of a cactus, but when the bizarre trumpet-shaped flowers appear, one...
Crassula exilis
An attractive, dwarf succulent flowering cushion, excellent for rockeries and living walls....
Erica nevillei
The tubular, bright red flowers of Erica nevillei are breathtaking and the low-growing, sprawling habit of this Cape Peninsula endemic will fascinate...
Pelargonium vitifolium
This lovely vine leaved shrub that is stunning in full flower, with its balm scent, is ideal for your fragrant garden....
Gazania rigens var. leucolaena
When in full flower, the bright yellow flower heads set against the greyish white leaves, create an attractive, bright, cheerful patch to lighten up any...
Urochloa mosambicensis
Urochloa mosambicensis is a perennial grass with an inflorescence made up of a number of spike-like racemes arranged alternately on a central axis. It...
Barleria lancifolia
Barleria lancifolia is an ideal plant to cover the hot bare sunny patches in your garden....
Tabernaemontana elegans
Tabernaemontana elegans is a beautiful bushveld tree that can be recognised by its large, glossy leaves, fragrant white flowers and large fruit borne...
Begonia geranioides
Sclerochiton harveyanus
Unusually lipped, mauve-blue flowers create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage....
Gardenia volkensii
The bushveld gardenia is a small, relatively slow-growing tree, ideal as a focus plant in summer rainfall gardens or on patios....
Euclea crispa
The blue guarri is a nea, well-shaped tree ideally suited to smaller gardens....
Macledium zeyheri
The doll's protea is a strikingly attractive plant found in the grasslands of the eastern parts of South Africa, and used in traditional medicine. ...
Hibiscus pedunculatus
A delicate, delightful, indigenous hibiscus, with bright pink flowers on dainty stalks....
Diascia patens
Little is known about the petite Diascia patens with its clambering habit and long flowering season. It should have made its appearance as a quaint addition...
Begonia dregei
Begonia dregei is a spectacular herbaceous, summer-flowering, shade-loving perennial that makes an excellent indoor display pot plant. It is an evergreen...
Cenchrus ciliaris
Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial, tufted grass. The inflorescence is a bristly 'spike' (like a cat's tail) and is nearly always purple to...