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Schizocarphus nervosus
Schotia afra var. afra
This delightful, small, water-wise tree is a must for the home gardener who wants an attractive evergreen tree. ...
Schrebera alata
Wild jasmine anoints your garden with a pleasant, sweet-scented fragrance and glorifies it with white to dark pinkish red flowers during the summer season....
Sclerochiton harveyanus
Unusually lipped, mauve-blue flowers create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage....
Searsia chirindensis
The red currant, Searsia chirindensis, is an attractive, African tree with lovely reddish autumn foliage. It is common throughout the eastern part...
Searsia discolor
This attractive shrub is grown mainly for its fine foliage. Along with several other species in this genus, it is overlooked as a garden plant. Very little...
Searsia gerrardii
Searsia gerrardii is a shrub-like tree with a graceful, weeping habit, striking reddish bark and noticeable orange lenticels (raised pores) on the branchlets....
Searsia glauca
Searsia glauca is a sprawling, wind resistant shrub or small tree, that is perfect in harsh coastal conditions, with berries that attract pollinators and...
Searsia lucida
A versatile shrub or small tree, with attractive shiny leaves and creamy white flowers, which are followed by green fruits that ripen to red-brown and...
Searsia pondoensis
The many-veined currant is a relatively small perennial re-sprouter with green to greyish foliage, confined to grassland and open woodland....
Secale africanum
The African rye is a tufted, weakly perennial grass to about 1 m high, growing in seasonally moist meadows and river banks on the Roggeveld Plateau. It...
Selago canescens
Selago canescens bursts into flower in early spring when most plants in the garden are still recovering after the cold winter. An added attraction is the...
Selago corymbosa
Selago corymbosa is an unassuming, dainty, herbaceous perennial with white flowers in summer, a great addition to any home garden....
Selago tarachodes
Selago tarachodes is a neat, compact, herbaceous perennial, with shiny green leaves and masses of showy, white, flower-heads, that flowers throughout the...
Selago villicaulis ‘Purple Turtle’
This is a low growing perennial with striking lavender flowers, which appear twice in a year, in midwinter to spring and in midsummer, and sporadically...
Senecio bryoniifolius
The Bryony-leaved flowering ivy (Senecio bryoniifolius) is a succulent-leaved creeper from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal which shows promise as a...
Senecio gerrardii
Visitors to wetland areas in Mpumalanga would be very familiar with this very characteristic species. It is particularly common in the Verlorenvlei area,...
Senecio hederiformis
Senecio hederiformis is a rare and still relatively poorly known species from the high-altitude grasslands of Mpumalanga and Limpopo Province, South Africa....
Senecio inornatus
Senecio inornatus is a tall robust plant that does not go unnoticed in any grassland or wetland. These solitary plants are often much taller than the...
Senecio macrocephalus
Senecio macrocephalus is one of the first large pink-flowered senecios to flower in the grassveld in early spring and often shows up as large patches...