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Streptocarpus primulifolius
This is one of the more striking Streptocarpus species with lovely large, trumpet-shaped flowers in deep shades of mauve with distinctive dark...
Streptocarpus rexii
Streptocarpus rexii is a neat, compact perennial herb with attractive white to blue/pale violet flowers, and makes a perfect indoor or shade plant. It...
Streptocarpus saxorum
This is a charming Streptocarpus with dainty lilac flowers. It is both pretty and tough with succulent foliage which droops, making it ideal for hanging...
Streptocarpus vandeleurii
This is an unusual herbaceous plant that consists of only one leaf with an impressive inflorescence of creamy white flowers that will die once it has flowered...
Strychnos madagascariensis
Very often confused with Strychnos spinosa, S. madagascariensis is a single- or multi-stemmed tree with a spreading, irregular, angular canopy. It grows...
Synaptolepis oliveriana
Synaptolepis oliveriana is a much-branched, scrambling shrub, with spear-shaped leaves and sweetly scented, creamy yellow flowers in summer; the plant...
Syncarpha eximia
This beautiful plant has prominent, showy, red and orange flower heads that in bud are reminiscent of a bowl of strawberries, borne above erect stems covered...
Syncarpha recurvata
Syncarpha recurvata is a small, shrubby daisy with pretty pink flowerheads and attractive silvery foliage. This low shrub is endemic to a small area...
Syncarpha vestita
At the height of its flowering, this relatively short-lived, woolly shrublet forms masses of beautiful white flowerheads that shine in the bright light...
Syncolostemon canescens
A small, aromatic perennial, with dainty, purplish pink, summer flowers and leaves that have a strong and unusual fruity, coconutty scent; a ‘must-have’...
Syncolostemon incanus
Syncolostemon incanus is a medium sized, aromatic, sage family shrub that adds a splash of permanent colour in the landscape, all year through, with its...
Syncolostemon latidens
The subtle beauty of the little known mauve-pink plume bush, Syncolostemon latidens, has won the hearts of those who have seen this small perennial shrub...
Syncolostemon obermeyerae
Syncolostemon obermeyerae is a fast growing, much branched shrub which can grow to 1,8m tall....
Syncolostemon rotundifolius
Even if a little difficult in cultivation, this little known member of the sage family, once established, will enhance the garden with its masses of pretty...
Syncolostemon teucriifolius
Syzygium legatii
Syzygium pondoense
This attractive small tree is rare in nature. But it has great horticultural potential, despite its tongue twister of a name which is pronounced sigh-zig-ee-um...
Tabernaemontana elegans
Tabernaemontana elegans is a beautiful bushveld tree that can be recognised by its large, glossy leaves, fragrant white flowers and large fruit borne...
Tagetes minuta
Khaki bush planted around your house will provide you with a very good early-warning security system. The strong odor of the bush when crushed will immediately...
Tamarix usneoides
Tamarix usneoides is an evergreen shrubby tree of semideserts and karooid areas, with short scaly trunk, leafy branches usually extending from ground...