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Curio pondoensis
The Pondo cliff daisy is a cliff-hanger, leaf and stem succulent, endemic to the river valleys of northern Pondoland, in the Eastern Cape. The attractive,...
Arctotis revoluta
This extremely vigorous, fast-growing shrub is equally suited to coastal or fynbos gardens....
Vepris reflexa
Vepris reflexa is a glossy-leafed, evergreen tree with aromatic, apple-green foliage, which gives off a lemony scent when crushed. It grows large in the...
Eriocephalus racemosus
Eriocephalus racemosus is not only an ideal low screening plant but will also attract insects, and in turn the insects will encourage the birds to visit...
Chlorophytum cremnophilum
The cliff spider plant is a new, recently named, cliff-hanger species from the Kouga and Grootrivier tributaries of the Gamtoos, in the Eastern Cape. Unlike...
Cymbopogon caesius
Cymbopogon caesius is a densely tufted perennial grass, which has swollen lowest racemes (an unbranched inflorescence axis with pedicellate spikelets)...
Kleinia cephalophora
Kleinia cephalophora is a striking succulent-stemmed perennial, with blue-green leaves and large, beautiful, nodding flowerheads....
Gasteria loedolffiae
Gasteria loedolffiae is a aloe-like plant growing as solitary specimens or forming small groups on sheer shale cliffs of the Mzimvubu and Msikaba...
Combretum zeyheri
Combretum zeyheri is a bushveld tree, with a rounded crown shape, single or multi-stemmed, with the bark that is smooth and whitish in colour. It is an...
Chaenostoma uncinatum
This is an attractive small shrub, with small dark green leaves and pretty mauve flowers in winter....
Leonotis leonurus
This plant is a firm favourite in South African gardens for its colourful flower display coupled with its ability to attract nectar feeding sunbirds by...
Cotyledon woodii
Cotyledon woodii is suitable as an interesting succulent shrub for containers or rockeries, with its bold, orange, bird-pollinated flowers....
Scabiosa columbaria
This is a lovely wild flower species with faintly scented blooms, appearing throughout the year....
Cephalophyllum parviflorum
Cephalophyllum parviflorum is one of the lesser-known species in the vygie family; it is predominantly a dwarf, trailing, succulent ground cover, hence...
Pavonia praemorsa
Year-round, pretty lemon-yellow hibiscus-like flowers, that each only last for a day, on a low, maintenance hardy, indigenous shrub, with lots of potential...
Gasteria barbae
Gasteria barbae is an exciting, new discovery confined to the coastal cliffs near Hakerville in the Knysna District. It has small rosettes of leaves covered...
Lampranthus amoenus
A robust and reliable succulent shrub that gives a dazzling display of pink/mauve flowers in spring....
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis is a medium-sized shrub, with succulent, hairy leaves and stems. It occurs in rock outcrops, shallow soil and...
Dracaena transvaalensis
Dracaena transvaalensis is a medium-sized, aloe-like tree. It has large, elongated, ascending leaves arranged in central rosettes. The large inflorescence...