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Heteropogon contortus
A hardy grass that is very attractive and palatable in the early vegetative stages, but becomes less attractive and unpalatable as it matures....
Heteromorpha arborescens
This small to medium-sized, deciduous tree or straggly shrub is suitable for a small, low-maintenance garden. The bark often helps to distinguish it from...
Hermas villosa
The creamy green flowers of this fynbos shrublet usually light up the veld from late summer to late autumn. However its allure doesn't stop there....
Hermannia scabra
Hermannia scabra is an evergreen shrublet with gorgeous, eye catching, bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers in winter and spring; ideal for fynbos and renosterveld...
Hermannia saccifera
Hermannia saccifera is fairly widespread along the southern coast of South Africa, where it occurs on stony clay slopes from the Riviersonderend mountains...
Hermannia pinnata
Hermannia pinnata is a decorative groundcover, covered in masses of honey-scented pale orange bells in early summer, and ideal for hanging baskets,...
Hermannia nana
This diminutive yet magnificent species is as yet unknown in horticulture, but is really worth growing as a pot, garden or rock garden subject. It provides...
Hermannia grandiflora
This striking species is as yet unknown in horticulture despite its alluring name, and is really worth growing as a pot plant, or in the garden or rock...
Heliophila coronopifolia
This dainty, blue annual is an absolute delight when it comes into flower. Upright and graceful, with small cups of bright blue flowers,the plants appear...
Helichrysum umbraculigerum
Helichrysum umbraculigerum was a relatively new addition to the herbaceous borders in Kirstenbosch in 2004. With its sulphur-yellow flowers and naturally...
Helichrysum splendidum
Helichrysum petiolare
Helichrysum petiolare is one of the best known and the most commonly used helichrysums, easy to grow, with beautiful velvety silver foliage....
Helichrysum pedunculatum
Helichrysum pedunculatum is a perennial herb that is distinguished by its large flower heads and aromatic, bicoloured leaves that are glossy above and...
Helichrysum patulum
Helichrysum patulum has attractive, aromatic, grey foliage and strongly honey-scented summer flowers. It is easy to grow, water-wise, makes an excellent...
Helichrysum odoratissimum
As its name implies, this plant has a strong smell. It is widely used as a perfume, but also as an insect repellent....
Helichrysum nudifolium
Helichrysum nudifolium is a sun-loving, perennial herb with a pale yellow inflorescence and shiny, light green leaves. There are many species very similar...
Helichrysum molestum
Helichrysum molestum is one of the attractive everlastings with bright yellow flower heads. The taxonomy of this group caused Dr Hilliard so much trouble...
Helichrysum dasyanthum
Helichrysum dasyanthum is an attractive silver-grey shrublet with striking, bright yellow flowerheads in summer....
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum is a very attractive and easy-to-grow groundcover with small silvery grey leaves, covered with masses of bright yellow...
Helichrysum appendiculatum
Strong pink and cream flowerheads and woolly leaves make Helichrysum appendiculatum a striking plant that would enhance any garden. Not yet in...