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Syzygium legatii
Syzygium guineense
This is a lovely medium-sized to large evergreen tree with a smooth greyish-white single stem on young trees and beautiful purplish-red young leaves. This...
Syncolostemon transvaalensis
Syncolostemon transvaalensis is decorative, pleasantly aromatic and easy to grow....
Syncolostemon obermeyerae
Syncolostemon obermeyerae is a fast growing, much branched shrub which can grow to 1,8m tall....
Syncolostemon macranthus
An attractive, shrubby perennial, with bright pink to mauve flowers, in summer....
Syncarpha argyropsis
Syncarpha argyropsis is a very attractive plant that grows well at Kirstenbosch and is a very promising horticultural plant for commercial use....
Synaptolepis oliveriana
Synaptolepis oliveriana is a much-branched, scrambling shrub, with spear-shaped leaves and sweetly scented, creamy yellow flowers in summer; the plant...
Strychnos madagascariensis
Very often confused with Strychnos spinosa, S. madagascariensis is a single- or multi-stemmed tree with a spreading, irregular, angular canopy. It grows...
Streptocarpus saxorum
This is a charming Streptocarpus with dainty lilac flowers. It is both pretty and tough with succulent foliage which droops, making it ideal for hanging...
Streptocarpus primulifolius
This is one of the more striking Streptocarpus species with lovely large, trumpet-shaped flowers in deep shades of mauve with distinctive dark...
Streptocarpus formosus
Walking down the Camphor Avenue at Kirstenbosch, one can not but stop to admire the clumps of Streptocarpus formosus flowering on the ground. Formosus...
Strelitzia reginae subsp. mzimvubuensis
This is a subspecies of the well known Strelitzia reginae which is a garden favourite and a choice cut-flower worldwide....
Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold'
Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold' is a rare yellow form of the well-known crane flower, Strelitzia reginae....
Strelitzia reginae
Strelitzia reginae is one the most popular horticultural perennials around the world. It flowers for long periods with its vivid orange and bright...
Strelitzia nicolai
This is a tall, striking foliage plant related to the well-known Crane Flower, Strelitzia reginae....
Strelitzia juncea
This is a striking feature plant with upright cylindrical leaves without a leaf blade, growing from 1 to 2 m in height and producing large orange or yellow...
Stoeberia arborea
Stoeberia arborea is the largest member of the Mesembryanthemaceae. It is a woody, ascending shrub, 2 to 5 m tall and bearing small white flowers....
Sterculia murex
It is not only the beauty of the flowers that creates interest in this tree, but also the unique appearance of its fruit and the lovely, palmately compound...
Sterculia alexandri
Sterculia alexandri is a medium-sized, thickset tree with compound leaves and yellow flowers. It is endemic to the Eastern Cape, west of Port Elizabeth,...
Stephania abyssinica
A slender climbing plant with smooth, deep green, heart-shaped leaves and long twining stems, that can climb up to 10 m high....