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Nerine undulata
Nerine undulata is native to the Eastern Cape Province. It is almost evergreen and produces very dainty, soft pink, spider-like flowers which can give...
Notobubon galbanum
Nuxia congesta
Nuxia congesta is a winter-flowering evergreen tree or shrub, with beautiful large heads of small, scented, long-lasting white or cream flowers. It...
Nuxia floribunda
The forest elder is an attractive, moisture-loving, floriferous tree and it makes a conspicuous feature in the forest patches it commonly inhabits....
Nymphoides thunbergiana
This is a pretty, fast-growing, perennial water plant with flat, rounded, floating leaves, and delicate white and yellow flowers in summer. It makes a...
Obetia tenax
An awesome small tree with the most striking flowers and leaves with stinging hairs, that can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable....
Ochna natalitia
Ochna natalitia is a wonderful, large shrub to small tree, not yet fully harnessed by gardeners, and offers an attractive display almost continuously through...
Ochna serrulata
This is certainly a shrub that every gardener should have in their garden, not only because of its beautiful yellow flowers, but also because of its attractive...
Ocimum labiatum
A stunning drought-hardy ornamental shrub which thrives in full sun or partial shade, flowering prolifically from early summer to late autumn....
Ocimum obovatum
Erect and sometimes spreading, low-growing perennial herb, this plant is an excellent link between lawn and a shrubby border. It is a good candidate for...
Ocotea kenyensis
A big, attractive, fast-growing, evergreen tree of up to 30 m height with a much-branched, rounded canopy of simple, glossy, usually aromatic leaves, with...
Olea capensis
Happy the grandchild who inherits a garden shaded by a black ironwood tree, for they have grandparents of great foresight and intelligence. These trees...
Olea europaea subsp. africana
Olea exasperata
Olea exasperata, one of the wild olive trees of South Africa, is an ornamental shrub or small tree that generally occurs in coastal scrub, on sand dunes...
Oncosiphon grandiflorum
This tall, button-flowered annual is ideal for larger gardens and can be grown as a spring and summer annual....
Oncosiphon suffructicosum
Oncosiphon suffruticosum is an aromatic annual with masses of bright yellow flower heads, and is an important Cape herbal medicine....
Oplismenus hirtellus
An outstanding groundcover for those difficult shady areas under trees, the grass Oplismenus hirtellus makes an interesting textured carpet of deep green...
Orbea lutea
Ornithogalum candicans
The summer hyacinth, with its fragrant bell-shaped flowers, is an ideal accent plant in a mixed bed and is also very suitable for cut flowers. It was previously...
Ornithogalum regale
The ever so graceful Ornithogalum regale is one of the summer flowering gems of the Drakensberg....