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Search results for "Euphorbiaceae" (displaying 20 of 32 on page 1)

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Euphorbia schinzii

Euphorbia schinzii
Common names: rock-milkbush, northern noors, Schinz’s spurge (Eng.); klipmelkbossie (Afr.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... bursts open. Characteristic of numerous members within the Euphorbiaceae family, E. schinzii harbours toxic compounds ... It is indigenous to southern Africa, and belongs to the Euphorbiaceae, a family that encompasses a broad spectrum of ...

29 / 04 / 2024 | Rofhiwa Ratshibvumo | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Euphorbia cupularis

Euphorbia cupularis leaves.  Photo Geoff Nichols
Common names: dead-man’s tree, crying tree (Eng.); dooiemansboom, gifboom (Afr.); umdlebe, umdletshane (isiZulu); sidlejane (isiSwati); mulamba-noni (Tshivenda)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

11 / 09 / 2023 | Nthabiseng Lucia Masetla | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Euphorbia pseudoglobosa

Euphorbia pseudoglobosa
Common names: false milkballs, false globosa, false globose spurge, false globose euphorbia (Eng.);
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... peduncles. Photo Evan Eifler Members of the family Euphorbiaceae have a wide variety of pollination systems and ... pollinated by lizards. While certain species in the family Euphorbiaceae are capable of self-fertilisation, ... shape of the plant, hence ‘false globosa’. The family Euphorbiaceae is compromised of over 300 genera and 8 000 ...

10 / 07 / 2023 | Nokukhanya Nozipho Mhlongo | TSP
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Euphorbia umfoloziensis

Euphorbia umfoloziensis
Common names: Umfolozi euphorbia (Eng.); (some euphorbias are commonly known as umhlonhlo in isiZulu)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... genus Euphorbia belongs to the large, cosmopolitan family Euphorbiaceae. Approximately 200 species in the family Euphorbiaceae occur in South Africa. The genus Euphorbia is ...

28 / 03 / 2022 | Nokukhanya Nozipho Mhlongo | TSP
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Euphorbia clavarioides

Euphorbia clavarioides
Common names: lion’s spoor (Eng.), grootvingerpol, slangpol, melkpol (Afr.), isihlekehleke, isantilele (isiZulu), sehlehle, sehloko, thethebale (Sesotho)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

20 / 09 / 2021 | Bathabile Ndlovu | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Acalypha punctata

Acalypha punctata
Common names: sticky brooms and brushes (Eng.); umsongo (Swa.); usunundu (Zul.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... Acalypha is a genus of flowering plants in the family Euphorbiaceae. It is the sole genus of the subtribe ...

05 / 04 / 2021 | Sicelo Sithole | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Euphorbia bupleurifolia

Euphorbia bupleurifolia
Common names: cycad spurge, pine cone plant (Eng.); melkbol (Afr.); intsele, insema (Xho.); inkamamasane, insema (Zul.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

20 / 05 / 2019 | Sibahle Gumede | Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
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Euphorbia flanaganii

Euphorbia flanaganii
Common names: Transkei medusa’s head, Flanagan’s euphorbia (Eng.); vingerpol (Afr.); nhlehle, isihlehle (Zul.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... Greyia flanaganii and Selago flanaganii . The family Euphorbiaceae has over 200 genera, such as Croton , ...

04 / 03 / 2019 | Ntuthuko Mabuya | Pretoria NBG
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Croton megalobotrys

Croton megalobotrys (Geoff Nichols)
Common names: feverberry, large feverberry (Eng.); koorsbessie, grootkoorsbessie (Afr.); motsibi (Northern Sotho), muruthu (Tshivenda)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

17 / 12 / 2018 | Benjamin Festus | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Euphorbia tuberosa

Euphorbia tuberosa
Common names: milk-ball, wild charlock (Eng.); melkbol, wilderamenas (Afr.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

05 / 11 / 2018 | Shireen Harris | Karoo Desert NBG
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Euphorbia triangularis

Euphorbia triangularis
Common names: river euphorbia, chandelier-tree, tree euphorbia (Eng.); riviernaboom (Afr.); umhlonthlo (isiXhosa); umhlonhlowane, isiphapha (IsiZulu)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... rather slowly.  Watch for annoying pests like White Fly. Euphorbiaceae is the name given to one of the largest plant ... in the plant world, commonly called spurges. The family Euphorbiaceae includes around 300 genera and 7 500 species, ...

10 / 09 / 2018 | Bathabile Ndlovu | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Euphorbia nesemannii

Euphorbia nesemannii (Werner Voigt)
Common names: Nesemann's euphorbia (Eng.); melkpol (Afr.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... of the white latex that many of the species possess. The Euphorbiaceae is one of the largest and most diverse families ...

13 / 08 / 2018 | Sinikeziwe Ncaphayi | Karoo Desert NBG
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Euphorbia sekukuniensis

Euphorbia sekukuniensis
Common names: Sekhukhune candelabra-tree, Sekhukhune euphorbia (Eng.); sekhukhunenaboom (Afr.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... by W.G. Barnard and Dr F.Z. van der Merwe. The family Euphorbiaceae has over 200 genera, such as Croton , ...

27 / 11 / 2017 | Ntuthuko Mabuya | Pretoria NBG
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Macaranga capensis

Macaranga capensis in flower (Geoff Nichols).
Common names: river macaranga, false-poplar, spiny macaranga, wild-poplar (Eng.); riviermakaranga, valspopulier, wildepopulier (Afr.); umbengele, umphumelezi, umphu
Family: Euphorbiaceae

27 / 03 / 2017 | M.S. Mothogoane | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Euphorbia globosa

Euphorbia globosa
Common names: globose euphorbia, globose spurge (Eng.); eierpol, knopmelkbol, langbeentjie (Afr.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

... named by Carl Linnaeus, and it is placed in the family, Euphorbiaceae commonly known as spurges. The family has over ...

13 / 02 / 2017 | Tandiwe Nkonki | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Jatropha zeyheri

Jatropha zeyheri (Brenden Pienaar)
Common names: verfbol (Afr.); sefapabadia (Sesotho); xidomeja (Xitsonga); mafuredonga (Tshivenda); ugodide (isiZulu)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

04 / 07 / 2016 | Lerato Hoveka | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Euphorbia groenewaldii

Euphorbia groenewaldii (Seloba Chuene)
Common names: none
Family: Euphorbiaceae

30 / 05 / 2016 | Lerato Hoveka | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Euphorbia grandidens

Euphorbia grandidens. Photo Geoff Nichols
Common names: valleybush euphorbia, large-toothed euphorbia (Eng.); valleibosnaboom, groottandnaboom (Afr.); umhlontlo (isiXhosa); umhlonhlo wehlathi (isiZulu)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

31 / 08 / 2015 | Sifiso Mnxati | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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Euphorbia virosa

Euphorbia virosa flowers
Common names: poison euphorbia (Eng.); Boesmansgif, boomgif, gifboom, noors, melkbos, naboom ( Afr.); nhlangaume (Shangana)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

10 / 06 / 2013 | Z Kontsiwe | Karoo Desert NBG
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Croton pseudopulchellus

Flowers and leaves
Common names: small lavender fever-berry (Eng.); kleinlaventelkoorsbessie, sandkoorsbessie (Afr.); uHubeshane (isiZulu)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

24 / 09 / 2012 | Sifiso Mnxati | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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