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Search results for "Pachypodium" (displaying 3 of 3 on page 1)

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Pachypodium succulentum

Pachypodium succulentum
Common names: star-flower thick-foot, porcupine-kambroo (Eng.); bergkambroo, bobbejaankambroo, bobbejaankos, ystervarkkambroo, ystervarkkos, dikvoet (Afr.)
Family: Apocynaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden January 2019 Pachypodium succulentum is a dwarf shrub, which grows 0.6 to ... pods, the seed with a tuft of whitish hairs at one end. Pachypodium succulentum is endemic to South Africa. It occurs ... Cape and western Free State, at altitudes up to 1 400 m. Pachypodium succulentum grows in hot, sunny, rocky places and ...

07 / 01 / 2019 | Lufuno Nenungwi | Free State NBG
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Pachypodium species
Common names: P. baronii var. windsorii : none; P. * bispinosum : bobbejaankos, kragman, sterkman, kamoa (Afr.); P. densiflorum var. densiflorum, P. geayi, P. horom
Family: Apocynaceae

... 1830, at the time on the basis of a single species. Today Pachypodium consists of about 20 species; five are native to ... even small rodents may also aid in the dispersal. Seeds of Pachypodium namaquanum in the wild are heavily parasitized, ... possibly adding to the alleged rarity of the species. Pachypodium densiflorum var. densiflorum is said to grow in ...

10 / 12 / 2007 | Stoffel Petrus Pieter Bester | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Pachypodium namaquanum

Pachypodium namaquanum
Common names: elephant's trunk (Eng.); halfmens (Afr.)
Family: Apocynaceae

... Voigt and Olivia Pekeur Kirstenbosch NBG June 2007   Pachypodium namaquanum, the halfmens (half plant, half ... year, and can attain an age of one hundred years or more. Pachypodium namaquanum  is found in dry rocky deserts at ... Namibia are among the places of distribution. The genus  Pachypodium  belongs to the Apocynaceae (oleander) family, ...

04 / 06 / 2007 | Olivia Pekeur | Kirstenbosch NBG
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