Plants of the Week
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Scabiosa columbaria
This is a lovely wild flower species with faintly scented blooms, appearing throughout the year....
Thamnochortus spicigerus
Thamnochortus spicigerus is a striking, tufted- or tussock-forming perennial that will make a lovely feature in your garden. The dark brown spikelets will...
Eriosema kraussianum
Eriosema kraussianum is an erect, fairly small, tufted, perennial herb, with its stems covered in silvery silky hairs and with pale yellow flowers. It...
Cephalophyllum parviflorum
Cephalophyllum parviflorum is one of the lesser-known species in the vygie family; it is predominantly a dwarf, trailing, succulent ground cover, hence...
Barleria monticola
This is a lovely groundcover for a sunny spot in your garden, especially if you live in a frosty area....
Pavonia praemorsa
Year-round, pretty lemon-yellow hibiscus-like flowers, that each only last for a day, on a low, maintenance hardy, indigenous shrub, with lots of potential...
Vernonia natalensis
This plant is now called Hilliardiella aristata...
Gasteria barbae
Gasteria barbae is an exciting, new discovery confined to the coastal cliffs near Hakerville in the Knysna District. It has small rosettes of leaves covered...
Bulbinella eburniflora
Bulbinella eburniflora is a vulnerable species from the Bokkeveld Plateau, threatened with habitat loss due to ploughing and livestock grazing....
Metalasia aurea
Metalasia aurea has the most unusual flower colour for Metalasia, and may be seen when travelling along the N2 freeway from Humansdorp to Port Elizabeth....
Barleria bremekampii
If you are looking for a water-wise prickly hedge or barrier plant, Barleria bremkampii is your answer....
Hessea mathewsii
The ethereal umbrella of star-shaped flowers fluttering in the wind, is the ‘stuff fairytales are made of’! Although, quite small, Hessea mathewsii,...
Lampranthus amoenus
A robust and reliable succulent shrub that gives a dazzling display of pink/mauve flowers in spring....
Aspalathus quartzicola
Aspalathus quartzicola is one of few species that occur in quartz patches (quartz-silcrete outcrops); a very specialized habitat, hence its species name....
Leucadendron teretifolium
Rosy red cones and dense, compact growth, make Leucadendron teretifolium hard to miss, when walking in the veld....
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is one of two less known, but equally striking, subspecies of Aloe striata. This particular subspecies is well known...
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis is a medium-sized shrub, with succulent, hairy leaves and stems. It occurs in rock outcrops, shallow soil and...
Erica sociorum
Erica sociorum is the most localized of all Cape Peninsula endemic ericas, and only found growing in a very limited area on cliffs above Noordhoek....