Plants of the Week
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Sansevieria hyacinthoides
The mother-in-law’s tongue is an evergreen, perennial herb, with its handsome robust, flat, dark green and fibrous leaves that attact game. Its scented...
Delosperma tradescantioides
The Kei delosperma is a cliff-hanger, mat-forming plant endemic to the Kei River and its tributaries, in the Eastern Cape. It has large, flat, hairy to...
Phragmites australis
Phragmites australia is a cosmopolitan perennial grass/reed with grey-green leaves and a light brown to purple inflorescence and the flowers are...
Encephalartos cupidus
Encephalartos cupidus is a very attractive, desirable, frost-hardy, dwarf, multi-stemmed cycad with its usually subterranean stem and blue green leaves,...
Aloidendron tongaense
A medium-sized tree-aloe endemic to the coastal forests in northern Zululand and southern Mozambique. It has showy, curved, orange flowers, and grows well...
Chrysocoma coma-aurea
This species is a showy shrub of fast growth that may be planted close together to form a good border plant, along the edges of a flower bed....
Erica annectens
This late summer flowering erica is only found on the Cape Peninsula....
Crassula orbicularis
Crassula orbicularis is an ideal plant for any shade garden. Its wonderful appearance and the ease at which it may be grown, make it a pleasure for both...
Syntrichia papillosa
The relatively large brood-bodies on the leaves of Syntrichia papillosa are visible with the naked eye or through a hand-lens....
Gladiolus vandermerwei
Gladiolus vandermerwei is a highly threatened species, occurring in the Ruens Renosterveld areas of the eastern Overberg. This species has become a flagship...
Gasteria nitida
Gasteria nitida is a medium-sized, aloe-like succulent, endemic to the Eastern Cape, growing in grassland regions. It has showy, banded leaves, and grows...
Ozoroa sphaerocarpa
This relatively small tree has small whitish flowers, with the sexes occurring on separate plants. It is highly valued by rural communities because...
Pelargonium album
This is a striking plant with light green, fragrant foliage, suitable for the shady mixed border....
Kniphofia rooperi
This evergreen perennial produces beautiful flowers with buds ranging from bright red to orange-yellow and the actual flowers ranging from orange-red to...
Zantedeschia odorata
Zantedeschia odorata is a rare, winter-growing, white arum with a moderately sweet scent and attractive, arrow-shaped leaves. With careful attention to...
Aloe mudenensis
Aloe mudenensis is one of the most attractive spotted aloes, endemic to Muden and Karkloof in KwaZulu-Natal....
Otholobium virgatum
This is a mat-forming and low-growing, trailing, ground cover with masses of mauve-pink, pea-like flowers in spring....
Maurocenia frangula
Maurocenia frangula provides interest throughout the year; with its scarlet, new growth in winter, bright cerise edible berries in autumn, and its decorative,...
Serruria adscendens
Serruria adscendens is an attractive, rounded shrub of slopes and flats, in the coastal fynbos between Betty's Bay and Bredasdorp in the Western Cape....
Petalacte coronata
Petalacte coronata produces white flower heads in clusters from June to November. The distribution of the plant seems to influence the length of flowering....