Plants of the Week
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Babiana stricta
Babiana stricta is now known as Babiana nervosa....
Babiana nervosa
Gladiolus permeabilis
A hardy bulbous plant with dainty and intensely sweet-smelling flowers, perfectly paired with short grasses.Fig. 1. Flowers of Gladiolus permeabilis var....
Tylosema esculentum
Tylosema esculentum is a long-lived, underutilized, drought-tolerant, perennial legume that grows wild on the arid and semi-arid grasslands of southern...
Haworthia retusa var. turgida
Haworthia retusa var. turgida is a dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-hugger, with numerous, small rosettes of light green to reddish succulent leaves, often...
Bulbine mesembryanthoides subsp. mesembryanthoides
Haworthia cooperi var. picturata
Haworthia cooperi var. picturata is a decorative, dwarf, compact, cliff-hugger, consisting of numerous, small, bright green rosettes of green partially...
Syncolostemon incanus
Syncolostemon incanus is a medium sized, aromatic, sage family shrub that adds a splash of permanent colour in the landscape, all year through, with its...
Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana
Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana is a dwarf cliff-hugger with numerous small rosettes of yellowish green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a solitary...
Gnidia pinifolia
Gnidia pinifolia has showy, conspicuous, white blooms, all-year round, that will infuse your garden with a night scent....
Haworthia mirabilis var. consanguinea
Haworthia mirabilis var. consanguinea is a dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous rosettes of light green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a solitary...
Argyrolobium robustum
Argyrolobium robustum is an attractive plant with many-flowered, yellow flower-heads that are produced from spring to early summer; common in grasslands...
Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana
Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana is a dwarf, cliff-hugging plant with numerous rosettes of green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a solitary inflorescence...
Cissus quadrangularis
A climber with square, fleshy, green stems and red berries in summer. The stems, roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat various human...
Haworthia marumiana var. marumiana
Haworthia marumiana var. marumiana is a dwarf plant with numerous rosettes of dark green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves that hug the cliffs in the...
Monsonia vanderietiae
A beautiful, stunted, low growing, tough-looking perennial with shiny leaves, succulent greyish stems and large, delicate-looking, creamy white flowers...
Gladiolus floribundus
A winter-growing gladiolus with showy spikes of striped, white or pale pink flowers in spring; well suited to winter-rainfall gardens and suitable for...
Haworthia zantneriana
Haworthia zantneriana is a dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-hugger, with rosettes of light green, linear lanceolate, succulent leaves with pale, longitudinal...
Encephalartos heenanii
Encephalartos heenanii is a medium-sized cycad with an erect stem that may become procumbent with age. This cycad is commonly known as the woolly cycad...