Plants of the Week
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Allophylus natalensis
A very decorative, evergreen shrub or small tree, which produces tiny, sweet-scented, white to cream-coloured flowers in autumn. It is hard not to notice...
Cannomois grandis
Othonna euphorbioides
A thorny, yet charming, mound-forming species of Othonna with striking yellow flowers to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Protea cryophila
Protea cryophila is a sprawling, densely tufted shrub with attractive pink and white flowerheads and leathery, ascending, inward-folded leaves. It is confined...
Commelina benghalensis
Commelina benghalesis is a common, widespread weed found throughout southern Africa, tropical Africa and Asia and it is difficult to eradicate in cultivated...
Dimorphotheca tragus
A perennial herb, with thinly scattered, toothed leaves and bright daisy flowers, which create an attractive sight in spring....
Crassula capitella
Crassula capitella is a stunning succulent that looks fantastic in rockeries and landscape gardens. It is used ornamentally to add a permanent colour in...
Ficus glumosa
An ideal tree for planting in water scarce areas; it will provide browsing and food to a number of animals, as well as a habitat for a large range of bird...
Aloiampelos juddii
Aloiampelos juddii is a welcome addition to the Cape flora and in particular the assemblage of Fynbos aloes that are found in the mountainous and coastal...
Moraea insolens
Moraea insolens is a critically endangered, cormous plant, with dazzling orange-red or rarely white- or cream-coloured, salver-shaped blooms, with prominent,...
Polhillia ignota
Only known from two records made over 80 years ago, this lost species was recently rediscovered by the Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (CREW)....
Vachellia kosiensis
This is a quick-growing, handsome tree that attracts many birds, bees and other insects and even bushbabies to the garden; it is also a useful barrier...
Alepidea natalensis
A dainty perennial with starry white flowers on long stalks, from the grasslands of the Drakensberg....
Watsonia strictiflora
Watsonia strictiflora is a striking, rose-pink-flowered, dwarf species with peculiar perianth tubes that are straight and constricted below and strongly...
Ledebouria minima
A dwarf ledebouria, with erect to spreading, grass-like leaves and very small bulbs, usually locally abundant, where it occurs in moist soil in grassland;...
Searsia burchellii
A much-branched, evergreen shrub or small tree with small, glossy, waxy leaves, common in the dry karroid regions of southern Africa, that is frost hardy...
Gymnanthemum myrianthum
An unusual, striking, robust shrub or small tree that is suddenly beautiful when in flower in late autumn, with eye-catching clumps of mauve to white to...
Protea longifolia
A fast-growing protea, which is easily recognized by its extended central mass of flowers with black-bearded tips, and various flower colours of yellow-green,...
Barleria saxatilis
A late summer, early autumn splash of colour for a sunny garden. ...
Aloe succotrina
Growing high up on the cliff faces and rocky outcrops in the mountains of the Western Cape, this is one of only a few fynbos aloes. It is an attractive...