Plants of the Week
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Pelargonium vanderwaltii
A rare, cliff-dwelling perennial, known only from sheer, south-facing cliffs of the Otjihipa Mountains in the Kaokoveld of northern Namibia. It is a cliff-squatter,...
Pelargonium vitifolium
This lovely vine leaved shrub that is stunning in full flower, with its balm scent, is ideal for your fragrant garden....
Pelargonium xerophyton
Pelargonium xerophyton is a hardy succulent with thick stems, twiggy branches, beautiful white flowers and aromatic foliage. Its distinctive growth habit...
Pelargonium zonale
The flowers of this strikingly beautiful species range from pure white to rose-pink and all shades of red. Combined with its decorative rounded foliage,...
Pellaea calomelanos
Peltocalathos baurii
A rarely seen South African relative of the buttercup from high in the Drakensberg Mountains, with rounded fleshy leaves and bright yellow flowers in spring...
Peltophorum africanum
A semi-deciduous tree with acacia-like foliage and showy yellow flowers, it's also an excellent tree for bee-keepers....
Penaea cneorum
Penaea cneorum is a lanky shrub with leathery foliage and compact spikes of small yellow flowers that rest upon distinctive greenish-yellow bracts and...
Penaea mucronata
A resprouting shrub, with branches coppicing from a woody base, triangular leaves and yellow to red flowers in spring and summer; found in fynbos, and...
Pentanisia prunelloides
This beautiful blue grassland flower, which attracts butterflies, shows great potential as a garden plant. Widespread in southern Africa, and used extensively...
Pentarrhinum insipidum
The leaves, stems and fruit of Pentarrhinum insipidum are widely eaten throughout Africa. It is an important wild vegetable and has the potential to be...
Pentzia dentata
A wonderful water-wise, aromatic shrub with soft, grey foliage and clusters of yellow inflorescences, from spring to summer....
Pentzia incana
An aromatic and easy-growing perennial suited for the water-wise garden. This grey leaved species is covered in small yellow flowers for about six months...
Peperomia tetraphylla
A low-growing herb with creeping stems forming mats, with small, thick, rounded leaves, typically dark green with lighter stripes, and are excellent at...
Petalacte coronata
Petalacte coronata produces white flower heads in clusters from June to November. The distribution of the plant seems to influence the length of flowering....
Petalidium bracteatum
The Ruacana petalidium is a fast and easily growing shrub with striking dark red tubular flowers which attract sunbirds. As its name implies, it originates...
Petalidium coccineum
The Kaoko petalidium is a fast-growing, branched shrub with smooth, white bark which contrasts with its striking, red, curved flowers and ornamental, mottled...
Petalidium oblongifolium
A beautiful small shrub with silvery leaves and attractive blue flowers in summer; a hardy, water-wise plant for sun or semi-shade....
Phaenocoma prolifera
I often think of this species as the dinosaur of the everlastings. It is a strong rigid shrub with brilliant pink bracts and large flower heads. It is...