Plants of the Week
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Pteronia aspera
A floriferous, medicinally important shrub, with huge cultural value and commercial potential....
Delosperma saxicola
A rare endemic of the coastal cliffs of the Tsitsikamma National Park. Its mat-forming habit makes it a great ground cover, especially for seafront, water-wise,...
These attractive, dwarf, leaf succulents, with their often white-tuberculed leaves in compact rosettes, are very popular among succulent plant collectors....
Rhynchosia sublobata
A yellow-flowered, indigenous African herb, with twining stems and velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine...
Streptocarpus floribundus
Streptocarpus floribundus is a rare and threatened, vibrant gem, thriving in dense clusters among the doleritic outcrops of Kranskop, in KwaZulu-Natal....
Encephalartos aemulans
An extremely rare cycad, which is endemic to South Africa, and known from a single mountain in the Vryheid District, in KwaZulu-Natal. Female and male...
Solanum africanum
A hardy creeper or shrub, with yellow-centered, purple, mauve or white flowers in midsummer to spring. It can be successfully utilized to cover a trellis...
Chlorophytum bowkeri
A robust perennial herb that makes an impeccable landscape plant, when planted in a mass as a ground cover....
Hylodesmum repandum
An attractive, shrubby, scrambling, perennial leguminous plant, with small, yet charming orange-red flowers in summer....
Crassula ericoides subsp. ericoides
A beautiful stand-alone plant that is easy to propagate and works well in pot arrangements and in succulent gardens. This succulent plant is more of a...
Conicosia pugioniformis subsp. pugioniformis
A striking, yellow flowering, die-hard, succulent groundcover, suited to sandy and coastal gardens, rockeries or pots....
Eucomis regia
This is the only winter rainfall Eucomis and its flowering pattern is precisely opposite to all the other pineapple lilies. It is also one of the few species...
Acmadenia kiwanensis
Astroloba rubriflora
Astroloba rubriflora is the only plant in its genus that has red flowers. The tubular flowers face upwards, and are adapted to attract sunbirds for pollination,...
Ledebouria floribunda
A large and usually attractively spotted Ledebouria species; this species is one of the largest species in the entire genus....
Barleria macrostegia
A groundcover with a strange flower cluster....
Kleinia longiflora
Kleinia longiflora is an unusual, succulent shrub, with striking, thin, pencil-shaped, segmented, upright or sprawling stems, that is drought resistant...
Lantana rugosa
From a distance, if it looks like the famous fever-tea or lemon bush plant (Lippia javanica), it is most likely Lantana rugosa. Sadly, sharing the common...
Marasmodes trifida
This little known and not so beautiful plant is highly threatened; it is easily identifiable from other members of the genus by its leaves that split into...
Schizaea pectinata
Is it a restio? Is it a sedge? No! It is Schizaea pectinata. When walking in the fynbos of the Western Cape of South Africa, one is likely to come across...