Plants of the Week
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Metarungia galpinii
Metarungia galpinii is a very rare and attractive garden plant that occurs mainly in the East London area in the Eastern Cape....
Metalasia muricata
This is a widespread, tough shrub with honey-scented flowers whose garden potential is often overlooked....
Metalasia aurea
Metalasia aurea has the most unusual flower colour for Metalasia, and may be seen when travelling along the N2 freeway from Humansdorp to Port Elizabeth....
Mesembryanthemum varians
Mesembryanthemum varians was previously known as Sceletium varians. It is known to have few medicinal properties — unlike Mesembryathemum...
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
This is an extremely stress-tolerant, prostrate, succulent annual with distinctive, glistening bladder cells on its leaves and stems, that look like ice...
Mesembryanthemum amplectens
A distinctive low-growing succulent dominating the flat lands of the Richtersveld, forming a beautiful floral mat on open spaces with its eye-catching...
The Mesembryanthemaceae form a major and unique component of southern Africa's arid land flora. Succulent leaves, bright shiny-petalled flowers and...
Merxmuellera macowanii
M. macowanii is a wiry grass, forming large, lax tussocks and flowering in summer. Grasses are the most important plant family in the world,...
Merwilla plumbea subsp. kraussii
Falling under one of the most complicated genera, Merwilla plumbea subsp. kraussii, small as it is, sure has a lot of potential to be a rewarding pot plant...
Merwilla plumbea
Merwilla plumbea is a graceful perennial bulb, and with its tall plumes of blue flowers, the showiest of the South African scillas. Merwilla plumbea is...
Merwilla dracomontana
The miniature blue squill is a bristly, dwarf bulbous plant from the hyacinth family in the genus Merwilla, native to the Drakensberg foothills of KwaZulu-Natal...
Merciera, with its white or purple tubular flowers, is a little-known member of the Campanulaceae, endemic to the Cape Floristic Region....
Mentha longifolia
With its strong mint smell and taste, this herb has found its way into homes for centuries where it has been used in the kitchen and as a medicine. There...
Mentha aquatica
A splendorous plant with purple flowers clustered in balls on the internodes of the stems, to entice anyone passing by the marshy field. Not only are you...
Melolobium candicans
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Melinis nerviglumis
This pretty, tufted grass with its bluish leaves and shining pink inflorescences is an attractive addition to any border or wild garden. It is particularly...
Melica decumbens
Melica decumbens is a short grass producing many flowering stems with spikelets (flowers) that usually have dark purple glumes (bracts) that contrast beautifully...
Melianthus villosus
A multi-stemmed, soft, evergreen shrub, with showy, serrated leaves that provide a beautiful tropical effect in the garden....
Melianthus major
With its decorative blue-green leaves and tall, dark rusty-red flower heads, this is a striking plant. On a sunny day the birds feast on the nectar dripping...