Plants of the Week
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Serruria decipiens
The Sandveld spiderhead is a small rounded fynbos shrub with clusters of sweetly scented, creamy white flowers in spring; it is well suited to fynbos gardens...
Serruria dodii
An upright shrub, often many-branched, that produces silver-pink, sweetly scented flowerheads at the tips of the branches, in spring....
Serruria elongata
Among the elegant fynbos plants belonging to the Proteaceae family is Serruria elongata, also known as the long-stalk spiderhead, with its silvery pink,...
Serruria fasciflora
Serruria fasciflora is a beautiful shrublet that produces sweetly scented, silvery pink flowers all year round; definitely a very rewarding garden...
Serruria florida
The delicate beauty of Serruria florida justifies its recognition as the most beautiful of the genus....
Serruria fucifolia
Serruria fucifolia is a charming medium-sized fynbos shrub. During late winter and early spring it is covered in sweetly-scented silver-pink flowers....
Serruria furcellata
This critically endangered spiderhead is being squeezed from its home by urbanization near greater Cape Town....
Serruria glomerata
Serruria glomerata is an attractive fynbos shrub that belongs in the Protea Family and occurs naturally only on the Cape Peninsula. Its compact rounded...
Serruria hirsuta
A splendid specimen that shapes itself into a rounded form, showcasing its beautiful flower heads and pink flowers, which attract bees and other insects,...
Serruria rosea
Serruria rosea is one of the showiest spiderheads, producing a spectacular display of up to 20 rose-pink tightly clustered flower heads per stem....
Serruria trilopha
This critically endangered member of the protea family makes an unusual addition to sandy coastal gardens....
Serruria triternata
The Tulbagh spiderhead is a charming fynbos shrub suited to an informal indigenous garden. It is rather nondescript when not flowering but in spring time...
Serruria villosa
Serruria villosa is a charming sweetly scented shrublet suited to the wild fynbos garden....
Serruria zeyheri
A rarely seen, rounded shrub with impressive, loosely aggregated flowerheads made up of flowers that look like matchsticks before they open....
Sesamum eriocarpum
Sesamum eriocarpum is a perennial herb which creeps along the ground in the Kalahari, with beautiful, bright mauve flowers that magnificently compliment...
Sesamum saxicola
With the Soutpansberg in the extreme north eastern Venda and Kruger National Park being its only home, Sesamum saxicola grows in sandstone crevices, overhanging...
Sesamum senecioides
A prostrate perennial, with annual creeping stems and white to pinkish flowers. It takes over open spaces in grassland and it is used as substitute for...
Sesamum sp. aff. reniforme
One of several previously undocumented species in the dry savanna of Limpopo Province, the Limpopo foxglove yearns for the bit of limelight it surely deserves....
Sesamum trilobum
Flowering during the warm summer and into autumn, this tall elegant annual adds a cool and lush feeling to the garden. In nature they are commonly found...
Setaria megaphylla
Setaria megaphylla may be found along rivers in low-lying areas or forests and in dense bushveld where there is plenty of moisture. ...