Plants of the Week
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Allophylus dregeanus
Allophylus dregeanus, found in the evergreen forest, will greet you with its sweetly scented flowers, surrounded by beautiful butterflies....
Allium synnotii
The wild onion (Allium synnotii) grows widespread in the drier regions of the winter-rainfall region. Plants are usually solitary, but grow in groups,...
Alepidea natalensis
A dainty perennial with starry white flowers on long stalks, from the grasslands of the Drakensberg....
Alepidea macowani
Alepidea macowanii is a robust, perennial herb known for its hollow, grooved, branched stem and thick, aromatic rootstock. It has basal leaves arranged...
Alepidea genus
Alepidea is one of only two African-endemic genera within the Saniculeae tribe of the Apiaceae, the other being its sister genus Arctopus. Southern Africa...
Alepidea cordifolia
A robust, erect herbaceous perennial, with flat-topped flowerheads bearing several star-shaped, white to cream and greenish flowers. It is becoming increasingly...
Alepidea amatymbica
Alepidea amatymbica has extremely popular and highly sought after rhizomes, for medicinal use, and is an important component of the healer's pharmacy....
Albuca nelsonii
Albuca nelsonii may be found in specialist collections but it is not often seen in gardens. Yet it has attractive flowers, and it is considered a good...
Albuca lebaensis
A rare endemic from cliffs adjacent to Leba Pass, near Lubango, in southwestern Angola. It has drooping leaves and a pendent inflorescence of densely packed,...
Albuca heydenrychii
Albuca heydenrychii is a cliff-dwelling, bulbous plant with soft, flaccid leaves up to 1 m long and a raceme of bright yellow flowers in midsummer. It...
Albuca deaconii
Albuca deaconii is a solitary to cluster-forming, bulbous cliff-hanger from the southeastern Cape. The long, leek-like leaves and extended racemes, both...
Albuca bracteata
A clump-forming bulbous geophyte with green and white flowers on tall stems during summer, the common name pregnant onion is derived from the onion-like...
Albuca batteniana
Albuca batteniana is not a commonly grown garden plant, but a collector's jewel and specialist species. Albucas, as can be seen from the photograph,...
Albizia versicolor
Albizia versicolor is a very attractive tree with its large white to greenish-yellow flower heads, bright green to reddish pods and straight trunk with...
Albizia tanganyicensis subsp. tanganyicensis
A very attractive tree with white to ochre peeling bark and creamy white, sweetly scented flowers in early summer, suitable for any medium-sized garden;...
Albizia suluensis
A beautiful, elegant tree only found in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. It is known for its hard and durable timber. It is very similar to Albizia lebbeck,...
Albizia antunesiana
An attractive deciduous tree with a flattened, umbrella-shaped crown, large greenish to yellow, half-spherical, fluffy flower heads that make the tree...
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia
Are you looking for a fabulous shade tree, rich in a unique cultural history and adored by elephants and butterflies alike? Then look no further than the...
Alberta magna
This is a very impressive indigenous shrub or tree, especially when in flower or fruit. Alberta magna is not only treasured by tree collectors and gardeners...
Ajuga ophrydis
A perennial herb that can grow 60–250 mm high, with beautiful mauve, white or blue flowers. It is usually distributed in grassland areas and...