Plants of the Week
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Pseudarthria hookeri
This large shrub has vibrant, eye catching flowers in late summer. It earned the common name ‘bug-catcher’ because it is reputed to catch bedbugs...
Penaea mucronata
A resprouting shrub, with branches coppicing from a woody base, triangular leaves and yellow to red flowers in spring and summer; found in fynbos, and...
Paranomus dregei
A splendid shrub, with scented flowers that attract many insects, and very much catches the eye with its reddish involucral bracts, creamy flowers and...
Pavonia columella
Pavonia columella, a hardy and aromatic subshrub, shows off its delicate, white to pink flowers all year round....
Philenoptera sutherlandii
A large and handsome evergreen tree, with showy pink or purple flowers in midsummer, that grows mainly in forest habitat....
Pteronia incana
This unpalatable, aromatic, dwarf shrub with beautiful, dusty grey foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring and early summer, is one of the most widely...
Pelargonium caledonicum
The conspicuous and unique Caledon Storksbill is one of South Africa’s most rare pelargoniums, only known to occur in the Caledon region of the Western...
Pachycarpus acidostelma
Recognized by its creamy to pale yellow, saucer-shaped flowers, the elusive Pachycarpus acidostelma remains one of South Africa’s hidden gems.Fig....
Penaea cneorum
Penaea cneorum is a lanky shrub with leathery foliage and compact spikes of small yellow flowers that rest upon distinctive greenish-yellow bracts and...
Plectranthus grallatus
An herbaceous shrub, that resprouts annually from underground tuberous stems, with large, decorative, soft leaves and white flowers in late summer; easy...
Pelargonium cucullatum x betulinum 'Kommetjie'
Bright, floriferous and hardy, this is a natural hybrid between two of the Cape’s finest pelargoniums, Pelargonium cucullatum and P. betulinum, that...
Psychotria suber
The corkbark bird-berry is a recently described small tree that grows wild on rocky mountain peaks in Barberton, Mbombela, Swaziland and adjacent KwaZulu-Natal...
Pachypodium bispinosum
A spiny succulent plant that shows off with bell-shaped, purple to pink, sometimes white flowers in spring and early summer....
Pentzia incana
An aromatic and easy-growing perennial suited for the water-wise garden. This grey leaved species is covered in small yellow flowers for about six months...
Protea comptonii
A very impressive standing tree with a rounded, open crown, rich green leaves, and a water-lily-like inflorescence when fully in bloom, made up of white...
Peperomia tetraphylla
A low-growing herb with creeping stems forming mats, with small, thick, rounded leaves, typically dark green with lighter stripes, and are excellent at...
Portulacaria pygmaea
The pygmy porkbush is a shrublet with a tuberous, succulent base (caudex), small, grey-green, succulent leaves and small, light purplish, inconspicuous...
Pterocelastrus rostratus
A graceful evergreen tree, or shrub, with a slender stem, a bushy crown and sweet-scented flowers in summer followed by distinctive spiky, orange to reddish-brown...
Phaulopsis imbricata
Phaulopsis imbricata is a bushy, perennial herbaceous plant, with small white flowers in short spikes that are sticky to the touch. Easy to grow, it is...
Portulacaria namaquensis
Portulacaria namaquensis is an ascending, slow-growing shrub with pale creamy to yellowish or greyish, pencil-thin stems bearing many very short spur-branches...