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Othonna euphorbioides
PlantCommon names: spiny othonna (Eng.); doringkers (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae
17/10/2016 | | Compton Herbarium
Protea cryophila
PlantCommon names: snow protea, snowball protea (Eng.); sneeuprotea, sneeublom (Afr.)
Family: Proteaceae
24/10/2016 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Commelina benghalensis
PlantCommon names: Benghal dayflower, tropical spiderwort, Benghal wandering Jew (Eng.); blouselblommetjie (Afr.); lala-tau, khopo-e-nyenyane, khotsoana (Sesotho); uhlotshane (isiXhosa); Idambiso, idemadema, idlebendlele, idangabane (isZulu); ndamba (Tshivenda); indabane (Ndebele)
Family: Commelinaceae
24/10/2016 | | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
Dimorphotheca tragus
PlantCommon names: ox-eye daisy, Cape marigold, Namaqualand daisy, African daisy (Eng.); jakkalsbossie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae
31/10/2016 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Crassula capitella
PlantCommon names: red flames (Eng.); aanteelrosie (Afr.); bohobe babadisana (Sesotho)
Family: Crassulaceae
31/10/2016 | | Pretoria NBG
Ficus glumosa
PlantCommon names: hairy rock fig, mountain rock fig (Eng.); harige rotsvy, berg-rotsvy (Afr.); umthombe (Xhosa); inkokhokho, umdenda omnyama, umnyaxa (Zulu); inkiwane (Ndebele); inkokhokho, magnyea (Swati); mphaya (N.Sotho); tshikululu (Venda)
Family: Moraceae
07/11/2016 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Aloiampelos juddii
PlantCommon names: Koudeberg aloe (Eng.); Baardskeerdersbosvuurpylaalwyn, (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae
07/11/2016 | | Karoo Desert NBG
Moraea insolens
PlantCommon names: Overberg red-moraea (Eng.); Overbergse rooi-uintjie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae
14/11/2016 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Polhillia ignota
PlantCommon names: due to the rarity of this species, there are no common names recorded for it.
Family: Fabaceae
14/11/2016 | | CREW
Gonioma kamassi
PlantCommon names: kamassi, Knysna boxwood (Eng.); kamassiehout (Afr.); igala-gala (isiXhosa)
Family: Apocynaceae
27/10/2014 | | Kirstenbosch NBG