Plants of the Week
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Amphithalea tomentosa
Ampithalea tomentosa is a striking plant found in Lowland Fynbos, with eye-catching, silvery foliage and yellow blossoms almost hidden by the hairy calyx,...
Acacia galpinii
This tree is now known as Senegalia galpinii...
Arctotis revoluta
This extremely vigorous, fast-growing shrub is equally suited to coastal or fynbos gardens....
Asparagus rubicundus
An erect thorny shrub with glossy, reddish brown, thorny stems, soft feathery foliage and starry white flowers, and one of the fastest growing species...
Aloe dewinteri
Aloe dewinteri is at once distinguished by its stemless rosettes of grey-green to whitish green, spreading leaves, and 3-branched inflorescences bearing...
Anthospermum spathulatum subsp. spathulatum
A dense, woody shrublet with small, needle-like leaves densely covering the stems to form an interesting arrangement of foliaged branches....
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus
The shiny red and black seeds of Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus make it a sought-after climber in tropical and subtropical areas....
Aloe corallina
The Kunene coral aloe is at once distinguished by its pendent rosettes of grey-green, unarmed leaves, and coral-red, tubular flowers, 32 mm long, in a...
Acacia nilotica subsp.kraussiana
This plant is now called Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana...
Agathosma orbicularis
A vigorous, low-growing, lilac-flowering buchu, teetering on the brink of extinction....
Acmadenia heterophylla
This is a delicate looking shrub with starry pink flowers and a sweet lemony scent when touched. It belongs to the citrus family (Rutaceae) with most of...
Acmadenia trigona
Acmadenia trigona, from the winter rainfall region, forms an upright shrub with spreading branches. It grows 0.3-0.7 m high. It is a single stem at the...
Athanasia trifurcata
A fast-growing shrub with grey 3-forked leaves, displaying showy clusters of beautiful yellow flower heads in early summer, well suited for fynbos, renosterveld,...
Acmadenia macropetala
Albuca bracteata
A clump-forming bulbous geophyte with green and white flowers on tall stems during summer, the common name pregnant onion is derived from the onion-like...
Acmadenia mundiana
This attractive shrub with grey-green foliage carries bright pink star-shaped flowers almost all year round but mainly in winter and spring....
Acmadenia obtusata
Acamadenia obtusata forms a variable shrub, displaying floriferous pink flowers with aromatic foliage. Characteristic of the citrus family are oil...