Plants of the Week
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Eriocephalus racemosus
Eriocephalus racemosus is not only an ideal low screening plant but will also attract insects, and in turn the insects will encourage the birds to visit...
Erica fontana
Erica fontana produces white to light rosy pink tubular flowers, that become paler towards the base, and the flowers appear all year round. It is a rare...
Encephalartos longifolius
Encephalartos longifolius and E. caffer were the first cycads to be scientifically recorded in South Africa as long ago as 1772. During...
Euphorbia bupleurifolia
Resembling a pine cone, pineapple or, some may say, a cycad, Euphorbia bupleurifolia is one interesting Euphorbia....
Encephalartos middelburgensis
Encephalartos middelburgensis is a blue-leaved cycad covered with persistent powdery bloom. It thrives in full sunlight and is frost-hardy. It is...
Encephalartos natalensis
Encephalartos natalensis, a "living fossil", is a quick-growing handsome giant tree cycad for your garden. This frost-hardy cycad prefers subtropical...
Eucomis montana
This is one of the six bicoloured species of Eucomis and one of the few dwarf species, occurring in the Mpumalanga Province....
Encephalartos paucidentatus
The graceful crown of dark green glossy leaves, vigorous growth and strong stem of Encephalartos paucidentatus makes this one of the most striking of...
Elegia filacea
A magnificent small, upright, tufted restio that shows off its golden–tan sheaths and bracts in early to midsummer, and makes a spectacular filler...
Encephalartos princeps
Encephalartos princeps is a lovely blue-leaved cycad that responds well to full sun and tolerates any soil type, provided that the soil is well drained...
Encephalartos senticosus
Encephalartos senticosus is a quick-growing, glossy dark green giant cycad for your ornamental garden. ...
Erica lateralis
This sturdy evergreen shrub boasts with masses of rosy to pink flowers from late summer until early winter, around February to June. It is ideal for mass...
Encephalartos transvenosus
As a garden subject, Encephalartos transvenosus, with its glossy dark-green leaves, is one of the most spectacular and tallest of all cycad species. It...
Euphorbia grandidens
Euphorbia grandidens is many branched shrub or tree, up to 16 m tall or more, with one to several, main succulent trunks....
Encephalartos trispinosus
Encephalartos trispinosus is an excellent garden subject in hot, dry climates and areas which experience frost. The plants do not require a great deal...
Erica baueri subsp. gouriquae
Erica baueri subsp. baueri is one of the best known ericas and popular as a South African fynbos garden plant. A second subspecies, subsp. gouriquae, was...
Euphorbia clavarioides
Euphorbia clavarioides is a succulent perennial that forms neat, cushion-like clumps of tightly packed stems, just above ground level, with beautiful yellow...
Encephalartos villosus
Encephalartos villosus is one of the most common ornamental dwarf cycads in southern Africa. It is shade-loving and produces leaves which spread out...
Equilabium laxiflorum
An erect, easy-to-grow, aromatic, herbaceous shrub with decorative, light green foliage, suitable for planting in humid, moist and slightly shaded areas...
Encephalartos woodii
Encephalartos woodii is famous for being extinct in nature, and for the fact that there is no known female specimen on Earth....