Plants of the Week
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Lachenalia neilii
Lachenalia neilii is a bulb endemic to the Bokkeveld Plateau and grows in heavy doleritic clay....
Lachnospermum umbellatum
This little-known species from the extreme southwestern corner of the country thrives in the wet fynbos of the Cape Fold Mountains near the coast. Its...
Lachenalia pygmaea
This tiny lachenalia with pale, almond-scented flowers belongs to subgenus Polyxena and makes a delightful pot plant....
Lycium ferocissimum
A spiny, evergreen shrub with attractive red berries, that are borne sporadically throughout the year and make it a perfect plant to attract birds to the...
Lachenalia valeriae
Lachenalia valeriae is a beautiful species from the coastal dunes of Namaqualand....
Lachenalia mathewsii
Lachenalia mathewsii is an attractive, deciduous, winter-growing bulb, standing 10-20 cm tall....
Lachenalia orthopetala
Lachenalia orthopetala, an indigenous hyacinth with striking upward-facing, creamy-white maroon-tipped flowers, is one of the rarest and most rewarding...
Lachenalia sargeantii
Lachenalia sargeantii is a striking, early summer-flowering plant with pendulous, tubular ivory blooms marked with apple-green, bright pinkish magenta...
Lachenalia liliflora
Sadly, Lachenalia liliflora, an indigenous hyacinth with strikingly beautiful creamy-white flowers tipped with purple, is on the critically endangered...
Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii
This small to medium-sized, deciduous tree, with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves, will not only attract birds to your garden,...
Lachenalia orchioides
Large strikingly attractive flowers varying in colour through shades of blue, pink, lilac to bright yellow and green make this species an attractive container...
Lachenalia pustulata
Lachenalia pustulata, with its vast array of flower colours, is a most rewarding Cape winter-growing bulb to cultivate....
Lachenalia viridiflora
Lachenalia viridiflora is a most appealing autumn- and winter-flowering bulbous plant, growing up to 200 mm high. Its startling turquoise blooms place...
Lagenaria siceraria
Ledebouria ovatifolia subsp. ovatifolia
Curious and widespread, a variable, bulbous plant, with unique, broad, flat, usually spotted leaves, which are tightly appressed to the soil surface, and...
Lagenaria sphaerica
This vigorous climber is a close relative of the calabash and bears large, white, fragrant flowers which open in the evening, and unique mottled green...
Lycium afrum
Coming from an economically important family of flowering plants, this is a robust, stiffly branched, moderate sized, thorny shrub, that may grow to be...
The Lamiaceae family is characterised by square stems, aromatic leaves (gland-dotted) and zygomorphic (irregular) flowers with the corolla usually 2-lipped....
Lampranthus affinis
Lampranthus affinis is a striking, easily grown shrublet, with large, pale pink flowers, and is one of only a few mesembs that will flower in shady...
Lachenalia lutzeyeri