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Felicia dubia
The blue and yellow dwarf felicia is one of the many annuals turning Namaqualand into such a kaleidoscope of colours during winter and spring....
Lachenalia neilii
Lachenalia neilii is a bulb endemic to the Bokkeveld Plateau and grows in heavy doleritic clay....
Highly aromatic shrubs which are most distinctive when covered in fluffy white fruiting heads from late spring to early summer. Thus the vernacular name, kapokbos (Afrikaans...
Moraea loubseri
Moraea loubseri is a beautiful cormous plant from the Cape West Coast with violet-mauve blooms adorned with a prominent black beard. It is one of...
Drosera pauciflora
Drosera pauciflora is another large-flowered, winter-growing carnivorous plant from South Africa....
Spatalla mollis
Spatalla mollis boasts attractive flower headlets of white or mauve flowers from July to December. The small shrubs blend in well with the surrounding...
Chlorophytum comosum
Chlorophytum comosum is a perennial lily-like plant with tuberous roots, bearing spreading to recurved soft leaves from a central rosette and an elongated...
Grewia flavescens
The light green Grewia flavescens has beautiful, bright yellow, and sometimes fragrant flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small...
Conophytym obcordellum subsp. obcordellum
Minute but spectacular; Conophytum species are amongst the most intriguing of all dwarf succulents and C. obcordellum is perhaps one of the most spectacular...
Lannea discolor
Crassula alpestris
A unique and intriguing dwarf succulent from the Crassula family with the curious ability to cover itself in sand....
Clump-forming perennials, cherished around the globe for their lush foliage and ornate blooms of white, yellow, pink and red....
Grewia monticola
The mountain-loving Grewia monticola has beautiful, bright yellow flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small tree that is adaptable to all...
Pelargonium greytonense
This is a fairly small, fragrant pelargonium for the scented garden....
Barleria heterotricha subsp.heterotricha
A hardy indigenous plant with interesting leaf colour and texture for sunny areas in your garden....
Berzelia abrotanoides
Berzelia abrotanoides is a distinctive and beautiful, softly textured shrub endemic to the Western Cape. Displays of masses of fluffy ball-like flower...
Hypocalyptus sophoroides
Hypocalyptus sophoroides is a graceful shrub producing lots of colour in spring along with a beautiful sweet fragrance....
Plecostachys serpyllifolia
An easy-to-grow, grey-leaved perennial that forms a mound as its slender stems tangle together most delightfully. Perfect for a mixed herbaceous border...
Aloe gariepensis
Aloe gariepensis is a very hardy aloe from the arid regions of South Africa and Namibia and is restricted to the lower reaches of the Gariep River also...
Erica scabriuscula
Erica scabriuscula is a most impressive, hardy erica that grows into a large bush covered with thousands of small white to pale pink flowers through...