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Ficus glumosa
An ideal tree for planting in water scarce areas; it will provide browsing and food to a number of animals, as well as a habitat for a large range of bird...
Crassula capitella
Crassula capitella is a stunning succulent that looks fantastic in rockeries and landscape gardens. It is used ornamentally to add a permanent colour in...
Dimorphotheca tragus
A perennial herb, with thinly scattered, toothed leaves and bright daisy flowers, which create an attractive sight in spring....
Commelina benghalensis
Commelina benghalesis is a common, widespread weed found throughout southern Africa, tropical Africa and Asia and it is difficult to eradicate in cultivated...
Othonna euphorbioides
A thorny, yet charming, mound-forming species of Othonna with striking yellow flowers to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Delosperma abbottii
A cliff-dwelling, mat-forming, mesemb with yellow to magenta flowers in summer, known only from sandstone cliffs in the Pondoland region, in the Eastern...
Pelargonium lobatum
This attractive, hardy, geophytic pelargonium is ideally suited for sandy fynbos gardens, rockeries or pots....
Salvia scabra
Salvia scabra is a dainty sage which is adorned with mauve flowers between spring and autumn, with its peak flowering in summer. Being water-wise and its...
Kalanchoe sexangularis
Kalanchoe sexangularis is a hardy and drought-resistant succulent, with decorative red foliage that’s a must-have for the rockery, garden or patio,...
Asparagus asparagoides
A scrambling shrub with lovely glossy foliage, for shade or sun, in the garden or indoors, and excellent for flower arrangements, but take note that outside...
Ajuga ophrydis
A perennial herb that can grow 60–250 mm high, with beautiful mauve, white or blue flowers. It is usually distributed in grassland areas and...
Anchusa capensis
The Cape-forget-me-not is easy to find flowering in the fields of daisies throughout Namaqualand in the spring, and, although it may be a bit weedy, its...
Othonna arbuscula
A small succulent shrub from the arid areas of southern Africa, which has the appearance of a small tree or bonsai....
Searsia natalensis
An attractive hedge or garden tree that is also used medicinally for various ailments. It can be easily propagated from seed....
Euchaetis meridionalis
This is an amazingly tough and hardy plant, a diehard that can last for years, and a very useful filling-type of shrub for the coastal fynbos garden....
Asparagus microraphis
An evergreen shrub that is used medicinally by Sesotho speaking people for the treatment of venereal diseases....
Blighia unijugata
A medium to large evergreen tree, with sweetly scented flowers that attract butterflies to the garden, followed by pink to red, pear-shaped fruit that...
Agathosma ciliaris
This is a hardy, easy-growing, aromatic shrublet, which is suitable for pots and the harsh coasts and mountains in the fynbos....
Halleria elliptica
Pretty, orange, fuchsia-like flowers, burgeoning with nectar and irresistible to insects and birds, on a neat, shade-loving, versatile shrub or small tree,...
Curio crassulifolius
A low-growing, mat-forming groundcover with upward-pointing cylindrical, bluish grey-green, succulent leaves that provides unusual foliage colour, texture...