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Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ipomoea oenotheroides
An eye-catching, drought-resistant shrublet with bright pink ‘morning glory’ flowers in summer and silvery stems sprouting from inedible tuberous...
Chrysocoma ciliata
A dense, slender-stemmed shrublet that boasts with its alluring, bright yellow, globular flowerheads....
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis is small shrub that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock, to produce many, fragrant, yellow flowers. It will be a great...
Alsophila dregei
A handsome form plant, with a head of dark green fronds atop a stout trunk, for full sun or light shade. This plant is also known as Cyathea dregei....
Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha
This low-growing, evergreen tree or scrambler, boasts with large, pleasantly scented white flowers in midsummer....
Ledebouria cooperi
A widespread and common species usually associated with water or moist vegetation types, Cooper’s African Hyacinth is an attractive, small bulbous...
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Trifolium africanum
Neorautanenia ficifolia
A beautiful herb, with attractive bright blue flowers and trailing stems up to 1.5 m long, from an extensive rootstock. It is easily propagated and thrives...
Ledebouria sandersonii
An attractive dwarf species with brightly coloured flowers, which makes an attractive pot plant or addition to a grassland garden. This widespread Ledebouria...
Ammocharis coranica
Ammocharis coranica lives up to its common name, sore eye flower. This striking beautiful bulb, with its umbel inflorescence, delivers spectacular flower...
Ledebouria confusa
A medium sized bulbous plant, which occurs across the Highveld areas of the North West, Limpopo, Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces of South Africa. This...
Pelargonium alchemilloides
Gladiolus crassifolius
A dainty perennial geophyte, with substantial stems and brightly coloured flowers; it grows wild in well-drained, rocky grasslands of eastern southern...
Agave americana
Century plants are popular ornamental plants that are native to Central America, southern North and northern South America. Agave americana is no exception...
Ledebouria papillata
A miniature bulbous plant, which occurs mostly in Limpopo Province, South Africa. This dwarf species is often difficult to find because of its small size...
Senecio gerrardii
Visitors to wetland areas in Mpumalanga would be very familiar with this very characteristic species. It is particularly common in the Verlorenvlei area,...
Cichorium intybus
Most people will only admire this pretty, blue-flowered weed along roads and in abandoned fields and not know its other useful properties. Although mostly...
Ursinia nana
An attractive, spreading, annual herb with yellow flowers, which blooms in the spring to early summer period. With its spreading habit and fine foliage,...