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Combretum molle
This is a decorative tree, well suited for a summer rainfall garden....
Combretum zeyheri
Combretum zeyheri is a bushveld tree, with a rounded crown shape, single or multi-stemmed, with the bark that is smooth and whitish in colour. It is an...
Commelina africana
Commelina africana differs from most other Commelina species by having pretty, small, canary-yellow flowers instead of the usual blue flowers, and also...
Commelina benghalensis
Commelina benghalesis is a common, widespread weed found throughout southern Africa, tropical Africa and Asia and it is difficult to eradicate in cultivated...
Cotula coronopifolia
Cotula coronopifolia is a cute yellow button daisy that is either annual or perennial, which occurs along edges of saline or freshwater pools, between...
Cotyledon orbiculata
This fast-growing succulent is well known to gardeners, forms a low shrub and adds colour to the winter garden. Forms with handsome grey leaves provide...
Crabbea angustifolia
Crassula alba
A low-maintenance, attractive garden plant, with enormous, scarlet flower heads that offer a splash of colour to our autumn grasslands, and bright green,...
Crassula capitella
Crassula capitella is a stunning succulent that looks fantastic in rockeries and landscape gardens. It is used ornamentally to add a permanent colour in...
Crassula expansa
Crassula expansa is a dwarf, soft, decumbent, scrambling succulent plant with small green, red or pinkish-green leaves and white, cup-shaped flowers. Best...
Crinum bulbispermum
Crinum bulbispermum is a highly attractive garden subject and can be grown all over South Africa provided it is given adequate water during its growing...
Crinum lugardiae
Crinum lugardiae has a rosette of strap-shaped leaves, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers with long thin floral tubes, in early summer, followed by strongly...
Crinum macowanii
Crinum paludosum
This is a very beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers that are white to pale pink, enhanced by reddish stigmas. Crinum paludosum is a slender,...
Crossandra greenstockii
Crossandra greenstockii is a beautiful little perennial, with bright orange to red flowers all summer; it looks very stunning in flower, providing a welcome...
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis is small shrub that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock, to produce many, fragrant, yellow flowers. It will be a great...
Croton gratissimus
This is an attractive and versatile deciduous shrub or small tree in the home garden, but capable of becoming a large tree in certain instances....
Cucumis africanus
The fruits of this species, looking like small, prickly and striped cucumbers, were pickled and preserved in old Cape kitchens....
Cussonia spicata
The cabbage-tree is a strikingly beautiful garden tree which is widely cultivated both locally and abroad for its striking evergreen foliage. Its unusual...
Cussonia transvaalensis
Cussonia transvaalensis is a striking, very useful tree as a focal point in the landscape, due to its strong architectural form; it may also be used...