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Aulax pallasia
A needle-leaved, long-lived, evergreen fynbos shrub with male and female flowers on separate plants that look quite different from each other. The male...
Aulax umbellata
A slender shrub with bright yellow flowerheads contrasting vividly with the purplish brown young foliage around the flowerheads during summer....
Avicennia marina
Every travel agent's idea of a tropical paradise involves white, palm-fringed beaches and "the murmur of summer seas" - but what are those...
Azanza garckeana
Azanza garckeana with its non-aggressive root system, large leaves and crinkled yellow flowers, makes a beautiful shade tree which has the added bonus...
Azima tetracantha
Azima tetracantha is an ornamental, scrambling shrub, with interesting tetragonal branches and large spines....
Baleria repens
The small bush violet produces masses of pretty tubular flowers and will happily scramble up into surrounding vegetation if conditions are good....
Barleria albostellata
This medium to large shrub produces beautiful white tubular flowers in spring and summer. In addition, the velvety grey leaves create a wonderful colour...
Barleria ameliae
If you are living in a subtropical area and looking for a fast growing, indigenous plant to solve your problem of planting open sunny areas in your garden,...
Barleria bremekampii
If you are looking for a water-wise prickly hedge or barrier plant, Barleria bremkampii is your answer....
Barleria dinteri
This is one of the lesser known barlerias, suitable for a sunny spot in your garden....
Barleria dolomiticola
Plant a Red Listed barleria in your garden and support the conservation of the species....
Barleria elegans
Barleria greenii
A beautiful shrub with large pink to white, night-scented flowers in summer....
Barleria gueinzii
Barleria gueinzii is an unarmed (without thorns) evergreen shrub, which bears beautiful mauve to blue flowers from February to April and is ideal...
Barleria heterotricha subsp.heterotricha
A hardy indigenous plant with interesting leaf colour and texture for sunny areas in your garden....
Barleria holubii
If you are an indigenous plant lover and you need an attractive, fast-growing, hardy plant for the rocky areas in your garden, Barleria holubii is...
Barleria irritans
Another well-flowered Barleria for your garden....
Barleria lancifolia
Barleria lancifolia is an ideal plant to cover the hot bare sunny patches in your garden....
Barleria lichtensteiniana
Barleria lichtensteiniana, the jewel of the Kalahari....
Barleria mackenii
Barleria mackenii is a medium-sized shrub with mauve, tubular flowers which appear from February to June....