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Nerine masoniorum
A bulbous plant with a profusion of pink flowers, Nerine masoniorum is ideally suited to cultivation in pots and window-boxes. ...
Nerine laticoma
This is a summer-growing Nerine, one of a genus of beautiful geophytes endemic to southern Africa....
Nerine krigei
A marvellous bulbous plant that is characterized by distinctive erect, spirally twisted leaves....
Nerine humilis
Nerine humilis is a very floriferous, bulbous plant. The flower colour varies from almost white to deep pink, and the petals have distinctive,...
Nerine gracilis
Nerine gracilis is a dwarf, indigenous South African bulb, that can only be found in a few localities in rocky and damp Highveld Grassland. It has thread-like...
Nerine filifolia
This floriferous summer-growing plant produces delicate, bright pink flowers which bring a magnificent colourful display to your garden towards the end...
Nerine bowdenii
Nerine bowdenii is an autumn-flowering geophyte with impressive, large, pink or rarely pure white blooms, carried on long sturdy stems. It is the most...
Nephrotheca ilicifolia
This aromatic shrub is a good addition to a fynbos garden....
Neorautanenia ficifolia
A beautiful herb, with attractive bright blue flowers and trailing stems up to 1.5 m long, from an extensive rootstock. It is easily propagated and thrives...
Nemesia strumosa
This striking annual comes in yellow, orange, pink, cream, red, mauve or white, and on its own it is capable of creating a riot of colours so typical of...
Nemesia leipoldtii
A cheerful annual with white or purple flowers, to create a glistening carpet in your garden, from late winter to spring. This species is not well-known...
Nemesia fruticans
This dainty, long-flowering perennial is a charming addition to the summer garden, but what is commonly sold in nurseries as Nemesia fruticans may be due...
Nemesia diffusa var. diffusa
This beautiful, dainty little herb is covered in small, white flowers in spring and early summer, and makes a spectacular display in a mass planting....
Muraltia spinosa
The tortoise berry is a striking plant when covered in its masses of dainty purple flowers. Attractive and unusual spiny foliage, pretty red edible fruits...
Moringa ovalifolia
Moringa ovalifolia is a decorative, thickset, succulent-stemmed, erect tree of the dry, desert and semi-desert areas of Namibia. It can be seen on...
Morella cordifolia
The wax berry is an interesting addition to the garden, ideal for coastal and/or sandy gardens, and if you like plants with a long history of use to mankind...
Moraea villosa
The peacock moraea previously occurred in great abundance in the mass spring-flower displays of the Cape lowlands. Sadly, this attractive flower has lost...
Moraea polystachya
Pretty but dangerous - to live-stock, that is! In a good year, usually in autumn, the large, deep blue to violet or occasionally white, iris-like flowers...
Moraea loubseri
Moraea loubseri is a beautiful cormous plant from the Cape West Coast with violet-mauve blooms adorned with a prominent black beard. It is one of...
Moraea elegans
The striking yellow and orange flowers with variable bold markings, and its extreme ease of cultivation make this elegant spring-flowering species an essential...