Plants of the Week
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Astroloba genus
Astrolobas are aloes in the miniature and well adapted to their arid karroid environments. They form clusters of stems that are densely packed with small,...
Hexalobus monopetalus
Euphorbia cupularis
Euphorbia cupularis is a compact succulent shrub or small tree characterized by multiple stems and a rounded growth habit. Its striking emerald-green foliage...
Pterocelastrus rostratus
A graceful evergreen tree, or shrub, with a slender stem, a bushy crown and sweet-scented flowers in summer followed by distinctive spiky, orange to reddish-brown...
Roepera flexuosa
A bright-flowering and hardy small shrub for the fynbos, succulent or semi-succulent garden alike....
Ozoroa barbertonensis
Ozoroa barbertonensis is different from the rest of the southern African species of Ozoroa, with its beautiful, much longer, narrow leaves with shiny upper...
Carruanthus peersii
Carruanthus peersii is only known from the cliffs of Toorwaterpoort. It is a small, cliff-hugging, branched shrublet becoming a hanger with age, with pale...
Tribolium uniolae
A small, tufted, perennial grass with attractive inflorescences that are used in flower arranging....
Senecio deltoideus
Senecio deltoideus is a vigorous creeper producing spectacular displays of sweet-scented bright yellow flowers in early winter. Flowers produce copious...
Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Growing along the South African coastline, intermingled with a variety of species, Dimorphotheca fruticosa can be found displaying a beautiful carpet of...
Cyrtanthus breviflorus
Yellow fire lily is a small grassland bulb from the amaryllis family, with bright yellow flowers all year round. It grows naturally in moist or dry grasslands...
Portulacaria pygmaea
The pygmy porkbush is a shrublet with a tuberous, succulent base (caudex), small, grey-green, succulent leaves and small, light purplish, inconspicuous...
Dioscorea sylvatica
Dioscorea sylvatica, commonly known by the name of wild yam, is a slow-growing, caudiciform plant that has an interesting structure which gives it great...
Merwilla dracomontana
The miniature blue squill is a bristly, dwarf bulbous plant from the hyacinth family in the genus Merwilla, native to the Drakensberg foothills of KwaZulu-Natal...
Peperomia tetraphylla
A low-growing herb with creeping stems forming mats, with small, thick, rounded leaves, typically dark green with lighter stripes, and are excellent at...
Maclura africana
A dioecious, evergreen, spiny, climbing shrub whose stems provide a yellow dye....
Crassula expansa
Crassula expansa is a dwarf, soft, decumbent, scrambling succulent plant with small green, red or pinkish-green leaves and white, cup-shaped flowers. Best...
Erica calcareophila
With the limestone hills of Groot Hagelkraal being its only home, Erica calcareophila occurs on cliffs and rock ledges, showcasing its pure white, urn-shaped...
Chloris gayana
Rhodes grass is a very leafy grass which spreads by means of stolons. It is a fairly distinctive grass, not easily confused with other grasses....
Aulax pallasia
A needle-leaved, long-lived, evergreen fynbos shrub with male and female flowers on separate plants that look quite different from each other. The male...