Plants of the Week
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Searsia natalensis
An attractive hedge or garden tree that is also used medicinally for various ailments. It can be easily propagated from seed....
Euchaetis meridionalis
This is an amazingly tough and hardy plant, a diehard that can last for years, and a very useful filling-type of shrub for the coastal fynbos garden....
Tree aloes, with their striking, bold and often symmetrical architecture and drought tolerance, are sought after by gardeners and make perfect focus plants...
Crossyne guttata
This is a popular winter growing bulb, chosen mostly for its broad leaves that are fringed with brown hair-like bristles....
Asparagus microraphis
An evergreen shrub that is used medicinally by Sesotho speaking people for the treatment of venereal diseases....
Erica discolor
Erica discolor is a very common and variable species complex that used to consist of two well-known and widespread species namely, Erica discolor and Erica...
Klattia stokoei
This woody irid, with its crimson-red inflorescences, is one of the unique and breathtaking plant species of the Cape Floristic Region; it is endemic to...
Vangueria esculenta
Vangueria esculenta is an ideal tree or shrub for smaller gardens, with glossy foliage and an interesting shape, and its flowers release a pleasant sweet...
Blighia unijugata
A medium to large evergreen tree, with sweetly scented flowers that attract butterflies to the garden, followed by pink to red, pear-shaped fruit that...
Agathosma ciliaris
This is a hardy, easy-growing, aromatic shrublet, which is suitable for pots and the harsh coasts and mountains in the fynbos....
Jatropha zeyheri
A common medicinal plant used in women’s health care in many rural communities in southern Africa....
Halleria elliptica
Pretty, orange, fuchsia-like flowers, burgeoning with nectar and irresistible to insects and birds, on a neat, shade-loving, versatile shrub or small tree,...
Buxus natalensis
This much-branched shrub to small tree is characterized by its glossy, leathery, dark green leaves that make it most outstanding amongst the rest of the...
Curio crassulifolius
A low-growing, mat-forming groundcover with upward-pointing cylindrical, bluish grey-green, succulent leaves that provides unusual foliage colour, texture...
Senecio oxyriifolius
An unusual succulent herb with ornamental nasturtium-like leaves that is a rewarding, low maintenance and water-wise garden plant or container plant for...
Trichocephalus stipularis
A hardy, rounded shrublet, with evergreen dark foliage, starry pink flowers in white-woolly, rounded flowerheads in autumn and winter followed by reddish,...
Triumfetta sonderi
A beautiful shrub from the grasslands, with small, star-shaped, light yellow flowers and attractive rounded, pinkish-red, hairy fruits....
Phylica gnidioides
Phylica is a genus predominantly found in the Cape flora with about 138 species, of which 90% are endemic. The genus exhibits a significant range of shrub...
Ledebouria crispa
Although rare in cultivation, this interesting dwarf ledebouria with its narrow, strongly crinkled, green to grey grey-green leaves, makes an attractive...
Stachys tubulosa
Best grown in shady conditions, Stachys tubulosa is an attractive, evergreen and hardy plant that displays its tubular mauve flowers during the summer...